View Full Version : Death and me

Nov 6, 2010, 09:08 AM
my life has been a waste, I have failed in every job every relationship and at anything I ever tried. I get up I sit at home, drink have sex with people I have no feelings for I lie to everyone that I'm OK and I have a job but truth is I have nothing and my life is of little value . If I kill myself I won't be missed, I don't know wer to do it as if I kill myself at home I mite not be found for months as I go weeks without seeing anyone . Think I mite hang myself in the local park so the nextday ill be found. I'm 26 and I don't think I've lived a day

Nov 6, 2010, 09:15 AM
What a sad tale, limerickman; and you are sure you want to do this ? Don't think hanging in the local park is a good idea. You are liable to scare the children. Yes, I agree, that if you do away with yourself in your apartment, that would be quite a mess if they didn't find you for even a few days, depending on warm it is in there.

Tell me, limerickman, what can't of job to you hold down ?

Ms tick

Nov 6, 2010, 09:17 AM
Hello l:

Nahhh. If you care that your corpse is, or isn't going to be found, things ain't so bad. Call me when you don't care about that.


Nov 6, 2010, 05:17 PM
You may not be as much of a failure as you think you are. You may be a great example of what not to do/be!

Look, first off, get up and get out. Go to your local animal shelter and volunteer. They can use the help and they will appreciate what you do. Don't like animals? Do it anyway. You may have to make yourself get up and get going, but it will get easier for you.

Why is it that you can't keep a job? You've got a job, so you DO have something. Be clean and neat, arrive on time, do your duties as you are instructed, be polite and respectful to everyone and clean up after yourself. If you see something that needs to be done, and you are able to do it and it isn't illegal do it. That is called iniative.

Staying home, drinking and having sex with people, I agree, is not much of a life. You just need to broaden your horizens. Do something - anything - different. Learn something new.

You are right about killing yourself in your apartment. And how would you go about it? Most everything is extremely messy or painful and may not work. Believe me, it's a lot worse spending your life on life support because you bungled it. Tubes coming and going, unable to do anything for yourself - just a captive in your body. Hanging yourself in the park is NOT a good idea. Tickle is right - you would scare the children and besides if it isn't done exactly right, you could hang there for hours not being able to get a good breath but able to breathe just enough to keep you alive. Horrible.

Yeah, it would be more profitable to do something new and different. Hang in there.

Nov 6, 2010, 05:30 PM
Reminds me of Lincoln, failed in almost every business he tried, before he became President.

You are who you are because of the choices you make, if you don't want to have sex with people you don't care for, then stop

If you have a drinking problem, stop, ( get help to stop if you need it)

Get out and help others