View Full Version : Training a kitten to use a litter box

Oct 18, 2010, 08:01 AM
I got a kitten last week and the previous owner told me she was litter box-trained. I found out that she isn't when she went bathroom twice on the floor.

The first day I brought her home, I immediately took her to the litter box and took her two front pawes and made a sweeping motion with them (like cats do when going bathroom). My kitten sniffed the litter and started to eat it. She then meowed like crazy and tried getting out of my grip. Apparently she doesn't know what a litter box is! Every time I put her in there, she goes right out.

So yesterday, I confined her in a pet carrier with the litter in a piece of tupperware (big enough for her). I will not let her out until she uses the litter box. I'm thinking that she won't want to sleep in her own feces so she will go in the litter box Will she learn this way?