View Full Version : Avoid Sleeping

Jan 1, 2007, 08:42 PM
I used to work in night shifts Very often. When I continue in the day I feel sleepy. That affects my job badly. How can I avoid sleeping on such times. What food is advisable on such times.

Jan 1, 2007, 10:05 PM
So you don't work at night anymore?

If so just don't sleep for 2-3 days in the row that's what I do if I got to go to school and I been up for a lot of days and I can't wake up in the morning

Another thing go to starbucks or any coffeshop and ask for esspresso shots and drink them

Jan 11, 2007, 09:13 AM
Dear Jhan
I am very much pleased that you answered my question.

Thank you so much.

Jan 11, 2007, 09:17 AM
I am not sure if I understand let me give it a shot

You work nights right?
You are sleepy during the day right?
When you go back to work at night you are still tired?


You work some days and some nights?

Jan 11, 2007, 09:12 PM
Dear Madam!

If I go home after night shift I wouldn't have any problem, I'll have my nap.
Only when I continue working in the day time after the night work I feel sleepy.
That sleepiness badly affects my day work. What I want to know is if I solve this problem by eating some selected food at brake-fast time. Or running or jogging early in the morning up to 3 or 4 kilo-meters will get rid of my sleepy feeling? Guide me when you have time.

Thank You Madam.