View Full Version : Career choices

May 23, 2004, 10:50 PM
What Major would you suggest for a person who absolutely LOVES chemistry and biology and most other sciences? Thanks

May 31, 2004, 12:11 AM
Umm.. why not chemistry or biology??  But if you really want to know what the hottest area in these fields today is, it is computational biology (do a Google on the phrase).  To do this you need to study both a biological science and either computer programming or mathematics.


Apr 22, 2005, 07:13 AM
If you want to combine both of these, you could become a Biochemist like me. Best of both worlds, I've also got a lot of experience in computers and bioinformatics (sort of like computational biology), which I've found helps a lot.

Aug 20, 2009, 12:12 PM
Environmental Science or Environmental Engineering is also another possibility. But keep in mind that a degree is not necessarily a vocation (unless you teach at a University). A degree is your field of study. A vocation is a job. There is a difference. You really need to think about what job you want to do after graduating (admittedly that is hard, but you can research jobs for biochemists for example; they're not all the same)... that will tell you what degree you want to pursue and what elective classes you want to take.

Jun 18, 2011, 01:48 AM
Science (http://www.superscholar.org/careers/science/) offers a vast and exciting career choice. Maybe you can go for Life science. Life science is a very broad field that includes dozens of disciplines, from biology and chemistry, to botany, genetics, health science, neuroscience and medicine. Life scientists' common goal is to explore the factors surrounding life in general and find ways to improve it and possibly correct imperfections in the overall balance. Depending on their particular specialization, life scientists may be more concerned with the theoretical side of things, or practical experiments.