View Full Version : What could be causing my 6 year old to masturbate at school?

Aug 26, 2010, 12:07 AM
I am asking this question concerning my 6 year old daughter.Last October O.C.S showed up at my house and explained that my daughter was rubbing herself on the outside of her shorts in the classroom for the past week.They did an investigation,and my daughter was seen at the abuse center at the local hospital where she was checked from head to toe and the examined.The dr.had a camera in case there were signs of abuse and she said she would call me over if there was something that I needed to see. After the exam and an interview the dr. said that my daughter was masturbating and that it was normal.Well,needless to say after that ordeal I aged by 10 yrs and asked what I should do if this happened again.She said to explain that you don't do that in public.It has been 11 months and my daughter has barely been in school 3 weeks and the school nurse calls and asks if my daughter has a yeast infection because the teacher has noticed her touching/scratching down there. I told her no but that I would bring her to the dr,and she stated that it was in my hands.I am horrified that this is happening again.I am divorced and do have a 14 y/o son (I know that is the first question to be asked)she has always said that no one has ever touched her both to me and to the dr.last year.I never leave her alone with anyone including her brother.When I picked her up from school and asked her why she did this all she said was"I remember doing it at my other school"I asked her again if anyone has ever touched her or anything along those lines and she said "no, I like doing it".That being said,I have gathered all of the documents from the OCS case showing that the case last year was closed and the booklets that the hospital gave me highlighting the age group for my daughter where it says masturbation is normal.I am going to speak to the social worker at the school tomorrow,and tell her that we've been through this last year. How long can this behavior continue and the result still be normal?I am worried sick all over again... on a final note.. I read that stress could sometimes cause this behavior and wanted to know if anyone knew about this.My son has O.D.D and a lot of the time I am correcting him,it is a daily struggle,with him not listening and I wonder if the chaos in the home from his behavior could be causing any of this? Any information would be appreciated.

Aug 27, 2010, 04:44 PM
When this happened last year around October, how long did it continue? It may be a way she is dealing with feeling anxious or stress with the start of school... even if she doesn't recognise feeling anxious.
If it only occurred for a time last year towards the early part of the school year and ceased, and now has started again with the beginning of this school year, perhaps that is where it stems from.

Again remind her what is appropriate in public and what should be private. You could always pay another visit to the doctor if you feel the need.