View Full Version : Accommodative esotropia

Aug 24, 2010, 02:35 PM
Hi.I have a daughter 20 month old.last week I check her to eye doctor and he said that my daughter has accommodative esotropia. Her both eyesight are +6.75. Can you tell me how bad is this number? Is she \gonne need glasses for a very long time? Can you gave me an advice how to keep her glasses on because she is a baby and is very difficult for her to wear glasses.
When I was 3 year old I had the same thing as mu daughter has right now, and I wore glasses for 10 years.Could be possible that my daughter got the accommodative esotropia by me?

Thank You.

Aug 24, 2010, 03:18 PM
Here is some information for you.


Pediatric Ophthalmic Consultants: Accomodatve Esotropia (http://www.pedseye.com/strabismus_accommodative_esotropia.htm)