View Full Version : 10 Year old Shakes her head...

Aug 22, 2010, 05:47 AM
My daughter shakes her head every time she goes out into the sunlight. This doesn't occur if she is in the shade or not directly in the sun. The shaking makes her so dizzy to the point she almost passes out. Can anyone tell me why and how I can treat this?

Aug 22, 2010, 06:09 AM
Has she been examined by a pediatrician? Some forms of epilepsy involve bright light. She needs to be checked by a specialist.

Aug 22, 2010, 06:15 AM
There are a number of possible reasons if she is having extreme light sensitivity.

How is her vision? Any frequent headaches? When has she last had an eye exam or physical exam? Does she show any sensitivity when a light is turned on in a darkened room? Has her teacher shared concerns while she is at school under the fluorescent lighting?

Certainly this needs to be brought to her doctor's attention.

Aug 22, 2010, 08:44 AM
My daughter has been examined by a pediatrician and the dr referred me to a opthamalogist cause they don't know what's wrong. She gets headaches often because of it and she wears glasses.