View Full Version : Ankle discolouration

Dec 22, 2006, 04:02 PM
Hi, in 2002 I woke up one morning to find above both ankles the skin had turned red. Since then it has spread all down my feet arounf to my heel and slightly up my leg. It is not dry skin, I have recently began getting red patches starting on my shins but only 1 or 2. I can't find any thing on it. What is it?

Dec 22, 2006, 04:11 PM
Sorry Jamie, but without a complete history and physical examination we cannot tell you what it is.

I will ask though, does it hurt? Is it swollen?

Do you have any other health issues such as Diabetes?

Dec 27, 2006, 01:30 PM
I have no other health issues, it does not hurt and is not swollen, it just started slight and has spread all around my feet, ankles, and shins over the last 4 years.
Its not dry skin, not spotty but there are red blotches of varying size scattered mainly on feet. ( this is on both feet)

Dec 27, 2006, 01:33 PM
I believe you may have to consult with your physician about this.