View Full Version : What should I expect to do at an evidentiary hearing?

Aug 3, 2010, 02:36 PM
I have an evidentiary court hearing for tomorrow. What should I expect?

The father of my child does not have a fatherly bond with my child, and she does not know him as "Daddy". I got pregnant from him on a one night stand. I come to learn that he caught a felonius assult with a dangerous wepon. And that he also is using cocaine. He has never wanted to see her on a regular basis.

Until the begging of this year. He came to my house( I don't know how he ended up with my address)with aggressive behavior. He was pounding on the door( I was worried that he was going to break the door down) so I did not answer. Then I received the letter in the mail about his motion regarding parenting time.

I have no idea what the environment that he is in. I have never been over to his house. I also have no idea of the kind of people he hangs out with.

Could I get in any kind of trouble? Could he really get my daughter every other weekend and a day in between like he has requested? Even though she has never, ever spened any time with him alone.

I have requested that the courts change the parenting time from reasonable to supervised visitation, until a relationship is formed. I would also like to observe the way she interacts with him.

Aug 3, 2010, 02:40 PM
Most likely this is for a DNA test that will be court ordered if he is going for custody. If the court orders visitation your going to have to honor it. But that sounds like a later date to come after the DNA comes back.

Aug 3, 2010, 02:50 PM
Most likely this is for a DNA test that will be court ordered if he is going for custody. If the court orders visitation your going to have to honor it. But that sounds like a later date to come after the DNA comes back.

Well, it looks like I have forgot to say that my daughter is nearly 4 years old.(Oct 16,2006) A paternity test was confermed in 07, and he did not show up to the court when they would have gave him visitation. So I got sole custody. And he got reasonalbe parenting time as the parents can agree. Until now he has never wanted to see her.

Ever since jan( when all this stared) he has not made an attempt to visit her. He wants his child support lowerd because he pays too much(249.11 a month) he only pays half of that. And last week at 7:30 pm he pulled up in front of my house, my daughter was playing in the front yard. He did not talk to or look at my daughter nor did she to him. All he did was taunt my girlfriend and them took off like a bat out of hell.

My neighbor has agreed to come as a witness to this inncident. She claims he was antagonizing the situation. And that it was not fatherly at all.