View Full Version : My girlfriend won't speak to me

Aug 3, 2010, 02:29 AM
I recently met a girl who works in my company and found an instant attraction with her. We kept seeing each other and would flirt constantly. One day I bumped into her in a supermarket and exchanged numbers and agreed to meet up for a drink. We met up for a drink and I thought I would be up front that I had recently broke up with a previous partner and it might be too soon for anything serious to happen but that I did really like her. She was okay with this. We went on a date and got on really well, but then the next day she went on a date with another guy! She called me after this date and said she was set up and found the guy really boring and wished I had come on to her the previous day. 2 days later we went on another date and I made my move, it was just kissing we didn't take things any further but it was great. Then out of the blue 2 days after she text me to say she had done a really stupid thing the night before after drinking too much and slept with someone else!! She was incredibly apologetic and said she really likes me and still wanted to be serious with me! I was naturally upset and angry but I like her so much I was willing to forgive her. She text me an rang me the next day and seemed normal, then, nothing! Ive text her and called her, She sent one text back saying she had a bad day at work but nothing else since. Am I being taken for a mug? Help!

Aug 3, 2010, 01:45 PM
I don't think she is your girlfriend. She is a girl that you have had a couple of dates with and no commitment.

Walk away before you really become emotionally involved. She is no more ready for a relationship than you are.

Get out and see other people. Don't tie yourself down to one person right now.

Aug 3, 2010, 01:54 PM
She's not talking to you because you seem to have already committed to her after two dates.

Aug 4, 2010, 07:10 AM
Good grief, exchanging phone numbers, and a few dates is a commitment? Get real guy, she and you are just having fun getting know each other, and there are no obligations on either of you.

At least she was honest about her actions, she didn't have to be, because it is none of your business, in the first place.

I don't think its wrong to date around with as many people as you want while your single, and do your thing, but expecting loyalty, and commitment after a kiss or two, is plain crazy, and unrealistic, so you are not being played, or led on, just carried away for now, after only a few dates.

Back off, and don't be so unrealistic, or gung ho, to have someone and think that the play by the same rules as you do. Date and have fun, or date someone else if you wish, but workplace romance is awkward any way, so I suggest you slow down, and not put all your eggs in her basket so quickly.

You have no clue who, or what, your dealing with, so I advise caution, and a much more open mind so you can PAY ATTENTION to the facts as you learn them.

Aug 4, 2010, 12:58 PM
2 Dates does not a commitment make, and as for why she's ignoring you who knows, you possibly never will, let it go plenty more fish in the sea. Her loss is another girls gain maybe, but take it slow. Its not a race.

Aug 4, 2010, 01:19 PM
U yourself said that you thought it was too soon for anything serious therefore you set the boundary... dont be mad because she's not committed... you never had a discussion about being exclusive and just seeing each other therefore you technically are not in a committed relationship... really you guys are casually dating and she is free to see whomever she chooses and honestly you can't be mad about that because you have never discussed anything other wise... you ASSUME that you two are boyfriend and girlfriend but I haven't heard the part yet where you asked her to be exclusive therefore making you boyfriend and girlfriend.. so right now.. shes still free to do what she wants