View Full Version : Will sex ruin my relationship or not? HELP PLEASE.

Jul 31, 2010, 07:37 PM
I've been together with my boyfriend for 2 years. We both really love each other (not being childish or anything) We never had sex, he never pressured me either or anything. But lately we've been thinking about doing it... I honestly think I am fully ready, like absolutely no doubt. But my in family, they always told me that once a men has sex with you, they won't view you the same anymore. It's like getting "the prize" then turning your back... Is it true if both of us really love each other? Will it ruin our relationship or make it better?

Jul 31, 2010, 08:44 PM
Hi, christina40!

I'm presuming that the two of you are of the ages where you can legally consent to having sex.

Are you both of legal age to be able to do so?


Aug 1, 2010, 06:30 AM
I am with Clough. Knowing your ages would help us form an opinion.

Aug 1, 2010, 06:59 AM
You sound young to me. But, for the purpose of answering your question, I am assuming that you are of legal age.

If you cannot TALK about sex to your boyfriend, then no, you should not have sex.

Aug 1, 2010, 08:28 AM
But my in family, they always told me that once a men has sex with you, they won't view you the same anymore. It's like getting "the prize" then turning your back... Is it true if both of us really love each other? Will it ruin our relationship or make it better?

Do you and your boyfriend go to church or synagogue or mosque together?

Conservative Jews, Christians, and Muslims all object to premarital sex on roughly the same grounds: Sex is a wonderful activity created by God to be reserved for the marriage commitment as a bond between a husband and wife. "And they shall cleave together" is how the Bible puts it.

Sex can create powerful feelings of intimacy, bonding, and pleasure. The world likes to focus on the idea that "well, it feels good, and everyone is going to do it, so go ahead and buy a condom and do it safely."

But sex before marriage can also cause an unmarried couple to stay together when they should not continue together. It can make a breakup more difficult. Having premarital sex can cause additional shame and regret if the relationship doesn't work out. Each of those faith traditions would blame many relationship problems on the misuse of sex before a couple is married.

You did not mention if either of you are virgins. But you are virgins to each other. Some research says that a couple who engages in 100 hours of alone time together is extremely likely to cross over the line of sexual intimacy. In today's culture, it is rare for a couple, old enough to legally consent to marriage, to make it to two years without engaging in sex, so you have quite an achievement in that.

Carefully consider with your boyfriend if the traditional social support of a church group might improve your relationship's chance of success, and add to the richness of your relation. Before you take the leap and engage in sex, seek out the advice of an experienced youth counsellor or pastor. It will give you some extra perspectives to consider so the both of you can make a more informed choice.

Aug 1, 2010, 09:41 AM
You've been together for 2 years, however you could still be under 16`s or even younger, So Please let us know your ages.

Ill do as previous poster and assume you are both 16, No by you and he having sex he won't lose respect for you, you've been together for 2 years, I would be extremely surprised if that happens. No it won't ruin your relationship, as long as its what you both want. In 2 years you should both know each other really. Well.
If you do take that step please ensure you use protection, condoms or you could perhaps go on the pill, or the 3 month injection.

OP I really would prefer to know your ages, you could be under age, and I wouldn't want to be encouraging 2 underage teens on this subject. Without being aware of it.

Aug 1, 2010, 09:54 AM
Like the other said age matters. As for the actual sex, it all depends on how each of you see it.

Talk about it and see how he feels. In my experience it has brought us closer. Just try not to get to addicted to it where you do it every time you see each other if you do end up going down that path.

Aug 1, 2010, 10:04 AM
Why not wait? You are having second thoughts for a reason.