View Full Version : Having a lot of problems

i go 18dumby
Jul 30, 2010, 09:46 PM
Its been 7months and I've really connected with my girlfriend and I love her a lot but the past week things just took a big uturn,we arge everyday and I feel we both try to not arge but its so hard when we earitate each other.I feel like I'm taken advantage of like alomost like this hole realationship is about her not us.for example were in a argument right now because I wanted to watch a show that she didn't want to watch so she laft the room.and the reson it bugs is we live 300miles aprt and I can't see her so often.also I watch all her girl shows and movies everday eith her.its really hard to talk to her because she balls a lot inside and I don know why.I feel lost because I really love her and I see it in her face that these arugmenst are bringing her down and its getting hard so I don't really no what to do at this point.this is my second relationship and her 1st real one so were both new at this.. not trying to be mean but I feel like I'm to good for her because of the things she dose basically I don't know if we should break up or try harder

Jul 31, 2010, 12:09 AM
Sounds like you need to talk things out more often, more compromise, and listening to what is important to each other. Maybe you need a break for awhile

i go 18dumby
Jul 31, 2010, 03:11 AM
I did just that and it worked thank you