View Full Version : Have you ever cheated in a relationship or been cheated on?

Jul 28, 2010, 12:11 AM
Was it obvious you/your partner was cheating or did they seem sweet and innocent?

Jul 28, 2010, 12:23 AM
No, it was not obvious that my partner was cheating. I had to be called at work by an unknown person and told to stop by my fiance's house at 7 am. Which I did and saw the woman leaving and he and her were kissing in the driveway. That was in 1975 and no, we never did get married. I told him I could forgive but I would be made a fool of more than once.

Aug 13, 2010, 05:20 PM
You never really know. Mine was totally obvious. Flirted with the chick openly. Caught them kissin in the mall. Dumped that loser in two secs

Aug 13, 2010, 05:24 PM
you never really know. mine was totally obvious. flirted with the chick openly. caught them kissin in the mall. dumped that loser in two secs

They say the wife is the last know, in my case in my first marriage it was true. I guess the phone calls convinced me. That and the fact since he didn't wear lipstick he would forget to wipe the woman's off his face. It hurt and then after a while I didn't care. I got out.

Aug 13, 2010, 06:26 PM
When my fiancé left for another country to get a high end job, his calls became less frequent. I thought it was work that kept him busy, but I found out that he was seeing someone else and professing his love for someone he had just met.

I found out after I checked his email. I don't believe in sharing your email password, but in this case I was really glad that I found out the truth. It helped me move on.

What was shocking was that I thought he was the most innocent and kindest man on earth. It was scary that I almost fell for this guy.

Aug 14, 2010, 03:46 AM
I was in a long distance relationship and honestly, he didn't change much. I kind of got the hint when he disappeared a whole weekend (with friends!) I was worried and called his "friend Kevin" who was always calling him... Except Kevin was actually named Helen and she was surprised to hear he had a girlfriend because they were dating.

Funny part is, he wasn't with her either, he was with a third chick and we both found out at the same time. All this in one day. Life is so weird :)

Aug 25, 2010, 10:02 AM
I've always been the secret girl that's being cheated with... but I've noticed some signs of cheaters are they're really quick to get "emotional" and qquicker to get physical with that girl. But as for being cheated on, sometimes there are signs sometimes there are none. Often times you might notice something is up, but you don't necessarily suspect cheating. Every cheater is different. If this is a question whether your being cheated on, make sure you have reasonable suspicion, then confront him.

Aug 25, 2010, 10:18 AM
How come all the responses are from women? Have no men been cheated on?

I, for one, thought it I did it very secrative and never gave a hint to what was going on. The guys that spend time thinking about it usually leave no trace, sorry to inform.

Annnd I didn't really advance what I was trying to dispel by disclosing that I was to blame for such terrible transgressions. Honest though.

Aug 25, 2010, 09:35 PM
My ex boyfriend came across as the most innocent most trustworthy person in the world. Lol until one night we were out in a club together and he went to the bathroom.. about 5 minutes later a girl I knew came to tell me that he was in there with another girl..

Slap in the face..

Aug 25, 2010, 11:35 PM
Hi, RalphI!

Would you please define what you mean by "cheating", please?


Aug 26, 2010, 05:37 AM
I don't know if I was cheated on but I sure got dumped a lot. Now you have me wondering!! Oh well.

Aug 26, 2010, 05:39 PM
I was totally blindsided one day when a friend of mine mentioned that she saw my boyfriend's car parked outside a home pretty often then saw him coming out with another woman. When I confronted the jerk he got defensive and angry then finally admitted it.

Aug 23, 2011, 01:25 PM
Love is blind and it you are completely in love with this person then you would nevery believe them to do it and you have always given them the benefit of the doubt even if just because you would rather believe they could not do it rather than they are. You only see the good in this person and trust them. Your not a fool my friend I was 100 percent certain my girl would or could never do it to me and it turns out over the 3 years we were together she cheated the whole time. Which tells me that lying and cheating is just plain habbit for these people and its very rare someone will change if they have done this for so long. Even if you want to think they will change they will just make you feel safe again and then a new cycle of lying and possibly cheating will surface again. It's a sad story when someone you plan you life with can do this to you and make you think that your time together was a big lie but you need to accept this person is who they are and they will do this to someone else just make sure its not you again