View Full Version : Lump on penis for 3 months +

Dec 18, 2006, 06:43 AM
Hello I am 15 years old and am in the mid stages of puberty. A few months ago I noticed a small painless lump on my penis I have loads of tiny little visible ones but only this one I can feel, I think it may be their because I irratated it while masturbating. It is located towards the top on the underside but a little to the right. I know it isn't part of the penis anatomy because it wasn't there before and isn't connected to the penis. I can lift the skin a little and it seems to be connected to the skin of my penis. If I press on it or pinch it, it slightly hurts. Im not sure what this is and I am pretty worried it could be something bad. I am a virgin so it can't be a STD, so I'm not sure what's going on. Please help me out, any kind of help will be greatly appreciated. And I was also wondering how should I treat it, washing etc, and I really don't want to go to a doctors, and if I stop masturbating will it go. Thanks.

Dec 18, 2006, 06:54 AM
You really need to go to the doctor to have this checked out. I know you don't want to, and I do understand why. You could go to a male doctor because he has a penis too, and it would not be quite as embarrassing as a woman doctor.

This could be a simple cyst or possibly something more serious, but we cannot diagnose something like this without a physical examination.

You may need medication to make this go away, so please have your Mom or Dad make a doctor's appointment for you.

Dec 18, 2006, 08:32 AM
I isn't bothered about being embaressed it's the fact that I don't know where to go and I don't want my family to know, I was just wondering is it unusual to be their so long , and would antiseptic cream help, or putting a hot wet towel on it? I tried popping it with a needle and a bit of blood came out and that's it, its not like a normal spot, its smaller and rock hard, I can't pop it as it hurts when I squeeze hard. Thanks.