View Full Version : My girlfriend spends more time with here ex friend than me

Jul 26, 2010, 01:28 AM
My girlfriend spends more time with here ex friend than me

Jul 26, 2010, 08:52 AM
Do you mean ex-boyfriend or ex-friend?

Either way, if you are uncomfortable with the situation all you can do is talk to her about it. Let her know what's causing you to feel the way you do and why. If nothing changes perhaps it will be time to move on.

Jul 27, 2010, 05:15 AM
do you mean ex-boyfriend or ex-friend?

either way, if you are uncomfortable with the situation all you can do is talk to her about it. let her know what's causing you to feel the way you do and why. if nothing changes perhaps it will be time to move on.

It's her ex ex ex boyfriend and when we start she have no contact and she don't want to have contact with hem. The first year she told me He don't lick me and he use to says the same to other exes and they start after 9/10 month having diner 2-3 times à week stays until midnight Alon at home together. And know all most every day I told her Many time the only answer i got he is just à frend  
And we broke up 6 year à go.    

broken_ heart
Jul 27, 2010, 11:31 AM
I think its time for you to move on. The girl is holding you as an option. She is on the way or may be already cheating on you..

Homegirl 50
Jul 27, 2010, 11:50 AM
She is doing to you what you allow her to do. It doesn't sound like she is very in to you.
It's your choice, you stay and be ignored or you leave her. She has already left you.

Jul 27, 2010, 12:07 PM
I'd definitely get away from that relationship... she's up to no good.

There's no way that she's just having dinner with him 2 to 3 times a week when she stays until midnight. There is definitely more to the story.

Move on.

Jul 27, 2010, 07:03 PM
You broke up 6 years ago? You should have left her alone after their first dinner together, friend or not. She ain't much of a girlfriend is she.

Jul 27, 2010, 07:53 PM
Let her be with her ex.

Don't wait around for you to be another ex. In a way, you already are... (Until she wants a fling)

Forget that BS. Never talk to this girl again.

She's using you big time.

Jul 27, 2010, 11:43 PM
You broke up 6 years ago? You should have left her alone after their first dinner together, friend or not. She ain't much of a girlfriend is she.

They broke up 6 year à go and we start last summer

Jul 28, 2010, 12:02 AM
Listen up.

All you are doing is talking about they. (ie your girlfriend & someone else) Ex. Ex. Ex.

Get it?

Jul 28, 2010, 12:47 AM
It is time to move on.

She is keeping you on the sideline in case they become ex ex ex ex...

Keep some of your dignity intact and break it off with her. Don't call, don't text, ignore her completely and move on.
I think it can only get worse.

Jul 28, 2010, 10:03 AM
Everyone has a valid point and it is generally the same point. She is only keeping you around as an option. You cannot be just another option, you deserve to be the only option.

Jul 28, 2010, 12:45 PM
Talaniman Rule- Stay away from any one that has an ex involved in their lives.

Talaniman Rule - Never ever get to close to a person that has a committed partner in their lives.

Talaniman Rule- never be in a hurry to give your heart to a stranger. Wait until they have proven they deserve it, and know what to do with it.

Talaniman Rule- Doesn't matter how intense the feelings, or how much fun you have, never give your heart to someone you don't know well, and thats only after the lust has worn off for you both.

Talaniman Rule - Never tolerate bad behavior. *

Talaniman Rule- Let them pay for the consequences of their bad behavior, not you. *

*NOTE_ Applies to any bad behavior.
Talaniman Rule - Don't miss other opportunities and options because your stuck on someone who is not as stuck on you, thats just plain crazy.

Talaniman Rule- Don't play games with your heart, and don't let somebody else play games with it either.

Talaniman Rule-Love yourself enough to never allow any one to treat you badly. If they do, LEAVE.

Talaniman Rule- When you see a brick wall, don't go head first into it, and expect to get on the other side.

Talaniman Rule- Never get so carried away by feelings that you can't see the facts.

Why would anyone tolerate the disrespect that you are??