View Full Version : What to do about a guy who doesn't have interest in me and I like him?

Jul 25, 2010, 02:01 PM
There's a guy friend I like, I told him how I felt about him 2 weeks ago and he liked me back but at the time he liked me I had a boyfriend so now I don't have a boyfriend and I told him I liked him. Nothing has changed with us but I don't get the feeling he likes me again because he don't call or anything. I feel like I'm wasting my time having feelings for him and he has no interest in me. Im thinking about getting over him or waiting a while to see if he makes a move. Any advice on what I should do would be really appreciated

Jul 25, 2010, 02:06 PM
My advice is too forget dating for now and concentrate on you.

Is the breakup from the guy your were with for over a year?

You need time on your own,catch your breathe before jumping into another relationship,perhaps the new guy knows this already.

Jul 25, 2010, 02:18 PM
What you are trying to do is hop from one relationship to another and that isn't good for you or the new relationship. It is how rebounds happen. The best advice I can think of for you is to slow down and go through the healing process for the previous relationship.

Even if he were calling, you should still give yourself time to let go of any hurt, anger, disappointment, or other negative feelings that might be lingering from the last relationship. You should also give yourself time to make certain that you don't have any feelings left for the last male you were involved with. Often times, people think they have moved on only to have something happen reminding them of the past and suddenly the ex is the only person they want.

He may have found someone else in the past two weeks. In which case, he is off-limits because he is no longer available.

Jul 25, 2010, 03:01 PM
Is it the guy you're mother didn't like?

Is this another guy and not the guy in juvie I think in reading some of your other threads , even the older ones you always want to be involved with another guy.

Out of the frying pan into the fire.
Try finding out who you are and like yourself before going down the wrong road again.

Start being with friends and spend time with family.

Jul 25, 2010, 03:20 PM
Is this the married guy you have been seeing for three years? Is it the guy you're mother didn't like?

Is this another guy and not the married man you were involved with last month?

I think in reading some of your other threads , even the older ones you always want to be involved with another guy.

Out of the frying pan into the fire.
Try finding out who you are and like yourself before going down the wrong road again.

U need to read over those threads, those were questions I gave answers to so before you go judging me by someone else's questions check yourself. You shouldn't be here misjudging people so don't give people advice if you're reading the wrong thing, I feel hurt right now

Jul 25, 2010, 03:25 PM
u need to read over those threads, those were questions i gave answers to so before u go judging me by someone else's questions check urself. u shouldn't be here misjudging people so dont give people advice if you're reading the wrong thing, i feel hurt right now

Yes and I;m very sorry and your right I shouldn't have judged you. Forgive me the names were a little alike and I feel so terrible. Please accept my apology. I wouldn't want to say anything that was untrue about you.

Jul 25, 2010, 03:29 PM
Tene, please do not use chat speak. It is against site rules. https://www.askmehelpdesk.com/faq.php?faq=vb_faq#faq_faq_rules

Jul 25, 2010, 03:32 PM
Yes and I;m very sorry and your right I shouldn't have judged you. Forgive me the names were a little alike and I feel so terrible. Please accept my apology. I wouldn't want to say anything that was untrue about you.

I accept your apology but read stuff properly before answering

Jul 25, 2010, 03:36 PM
i accept your apology but read stuff properly before answering

Thanks and I'm sorry .

Jul 25, 2010, 03:47 PM
u need to read over those threads, those were questions i gave answers to so before u go judging me by someone else's questions check urself. u shouldn't be here misjudging people so dont give people advice if you're reading the wrong thing, i feel hurt right now

You have 27 posts here, KitKat has over 4300. She is a valued member here who gives a lot of very good advice. Frankly, I think you need to take your advice. You judged her by a mistake. Seems to me you need to take your own advice about misjudging.

When you answer as many questions as some of the regulars do it stands to reason that occasionally, a mix up like this might occur. You were correct in pointing out that she had made a mistake, but you were way too critical of her over it. To say that you thought she had gotten mixed up over question you asked and question you answered would have been appropriate. To criticize her as you did was over the top.

I will point out that you have ignored the rules of this site by using text speak. This is clearly not allowed by our rules. But I will assume that you have not read the rules (even tough you agreed to them when you signed on) but rather than you are defying them. Because I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt as you should have given KitKat.