View Full Version : Goodman ck30-1a

Jul 22, 2010, 06:44 AM
Goodman CK 301A Every morning at 9AM Thermostat lowers temp to conserve energy. And every morning times 3, when outside unit is supposed to kick back on, furnace fan and compressor come on, but condenser fan doesn't. Fan 1 year old. On day 1 and 2 I was able to go out and manually start the fan with a long screw driver. Today it all came on after resetting the outside breaker. Is it the fan or possible electrical service panel prob. Fan will work until magic time of day.

Jul 22, 2010, 07:15 AM
Did you replace the capacitor for the outside fan motor when you replaced the motor? Did you buy the correct value? Always replace the capacitor when installing a new motor.