View Full Version : My boyfriend asks for a break,what should I do?

Jul 21, 2010, 02:00 AM
My boyfriend has asks for a break.
There's been a week we didn't contact each other at all.
He told me he messed up everything.
He was so stress about his college work and his family problems,
And he can't always accompany me.
He also said that he was a sucky boyfriend because he couldn't fetch me around - he got no car ,
He couldn't buy me anything - he got no money.
I told him I don't mind all those as long he loves me and in the future he could pay me back or something.
He said it might takes long,maybe around 5 years.
He asks me to find something new to do and find new people to meet.
He even send message to my best friend in Facebook,
And ask her to take care of me,help me to find something new to do and new people to meet.
He told her he didn't want to break up but he wants me to find a better guy.
What does that mean?

I don't know what should I do.I had started to move on,
But at the same time waiting for his call.
But he didn't contact me at all for a week after we are having break.
I had read on the tips in the internet that if I continue move on,
And if he loves me,he will comes back to me.
But,this is the reasons that he leave me for,
He wants me to get a better life without him.

What should I do ?
Just wait for his call until he has settle down
Or I should make the move?:confused:

Jul 21, 2010, 05:45 AM
You should be doing your thing, with friends, and activities and leaving him alone, and NOT waiting on a call from him, as he has other issues, and priorities in his life right now.

Jul 21, 2010, 06:03 AM
You should be doing your thing, with friends, and activities and leaving him alone, and NOT waiting on a call from him, as he has other issues, and priorities in his life right now.

Yeah I am doing my things. But what if he doesn't call or message me at all ? :( should I talk with him 1st to make things clear .

Jul 21, 2010, 07:55 AM
yeah i am doing my things. But what if he doesn't call or msg me at all ? :( should i talk with him 1st to make things clear .

If he doesn't call or message you I think that makes things clear enough... it's over. Continue doing your own thing and having your own fun while not waiting on him to contact you.

Jul 21, 2010, 08:35 AM
I think he was already quite clear. What's left except for you to accept what he has already told you.

Jul 21, 2010, 12:19 PM
It's over and when he says you deserve better than him, you'd better believe him. Do you own thing, live your own life and make sure you're happy. Don't contact him yourself, he's made it very clear he is not interested and he has nothing to offer you.
Take a good care of yourself and good luck.

Jul 24, 2010, 07:42 PM
If he doesn't call or msg you I think that makes things clear enough...it's over. Continue doing your own thing and having your own fun while not waiting on him to contact you.

Finally he has made the move ! He texted me but I replied in a cool way,and acts like I'm busy :) at last I give hint to him to call me ,but he didn't. Hmm :rolleyes: is it a good sign now ?

Jul 24, 2010, 08:06 PM
finally he has made the move ! He texted me but i replied in a cool way,and acts like i'm busy :) at last i give hint to him to call me ,but he didn't. hmm :rolleyes: is it a good sign now ?

I don't think you should read too much into this.

Jul 31, 2010, 07:58 AM
I texted him again yday. We were chatting happily and when I talk about his parents, he didn't reply me. He told me he wasn't stay home for a few days alredy so he didn't know what happen to the parents (the parents were fighting before this),I thought of might touch his sensitivity so I texted him again that I wasn't pressuring him but worry about him,take care and I got to sleep now. After that, he didn't reply my sms :( am I thinking too much or what ? Or he just duno what to reply me ?

Jan 23, 2011, 08:06 AM
You might be being a little too obsessive. Leave him alone. Seems to me ou are on his "tag-line". He can bring you close but push you away anytime he wants. I have read every comment. Perhaps be there as a friend, but a distant friend. I wouldn't bother with him. You seem lovely aand maybe a little naïve and I think he is taking advantage of that x x

Dec 22, 2011, 07:06 PM
I argee with Cutecat! He's taking advantage of you love... Just leave him for a few weeks then see if he text you but if he hasn't he's not interested then you need to move on... x