View Full Version : My boyfriend doesn't want to stay in my house with me

Jul 20, 2010, 11:02 AM
When we first started dated my mother let my boyfriend stay over at my house and then it became normal for him to come to my house everyday. After seven months school finished and he went back to his house meaning that he hates staying at my house right now. All he wants to do is play play station and soccer with his friends. He doesn't even care about sleeping with me anymore. So we never see each other excepts for wenesday when we still have a class together. On this day he wants me to have sex with him but I say that the only day we see each other shouldn't be to have sex. Should I break up with him?

Jul 20, 2010, 11:36 AM
It sounds like he lost interest or no longer needs a place to stay now school is out.

I would ask him what his plans are concerning the relationship .

But I think you should be considering breaking it off.
It doesn't look like he is planning on continuing with you.

I wish you well and please keep us informed

Jul 20, 2010, 11:40 AM
It seems like he has lost interest. Why are you guys only seeing each other on wed? He isn't even making an effort to see you during the week. I would leave but 1st ill talk to him and ask him what's the deal with us and where is it going if he acts oblivious and isn't trying to better the situation then it isn't worth you stressing yourself over it

Homegirl 50
Jul 20, 2010, 11:40 AM
Yeah, you don't want to be a weekly booty call.
There is no relationship. He no longer needs a place to stay for school, but once a week sex with you he'll take if you give it up.
Leave him alone.

Jul 20, 2010, 11:41 AM
Ask him straight up, on one side he may well have lost interest, but on another and depending how old he is up to been about 20 after spending a lot of time with my mrs I would get stair crazy and need to hang out with the lads for a bit, play football and just be a bloke for a few weeks, play nintendo as it was then (god I'm old ;-) ) fart and eat pizza till I felt sick.
Then things would even out and go back to being normal again

Jul 22, 2010, 08:18 AM
I had a serious talk with him this Wednesday and I even broke up with him but then he cried for me not to leave him alone and all I could think of was that he wants me until he finds somebody else. He said that he would stay at my house a little bit more. Oh and by the way we are both 18 years old.

Jul 22, 2010, 08:44 AM
You had a talk. He cried. He said he will stay a little bit more.
There is not much progress I can see in that.
But you are right thinking he only wants you until he finds reason to leave.

You should tell him that there is no way he is going to stay at your house ever again. Then erase his phone number, delete him off all social accounts , and start working on forgetting him and healing yourself.

I am afraid with him in your future it will keep getting worse for you. And make the separation even more painful.
Please give your decision a lot of thought , it may save you from more pain and heartache than you face now.

Homegirl 50
Jul 22, 2010, 09:43 AM
I had a serious talk with him this wednesday and i even broke up with him but then he cried for me not to leave him alone and all i could think of was that he wants me until he finds somebody else. he said that he would stay at my house a little bit more. oh and by the way we are both 18 years old.
I think your thoughts are correct. If a person wants to be with you, you don't have to remind them to come see you. Leave him alone

Jul 22, 2010, 10:30 AM
Glad you dumped him because you could do better, and what's wrong with your mom for allowing this stranger in her house to sleep with her daughter? Hope you learned a lot of lessons from this experience.

Jul 22, 2010, 10:42 AM
I agree with Tala, my first reaction is why would a mom allow two 17/18 year olds to sleep together in her house? What is happening to proper parenting in this country?

Jul 23, 2010, 07:57 AM
I agree with Tala, my first reaction is why would a mom allow two 17/18 year olds to sleep together in her house? What is happening to proper parenting in this country?

If its anything like over here in UK its gone to pot, one mother in UK had 3 daughters 12/13/15 all pregnant and all had b/fs living in with them. In my opinion totally immoral and reckless parenting, nothing was done about it though.
This Country never prosecutes for underage sex. I mean NEVER.

OP you've done right to dump him he wasn't good for you, you deserve better.

Agree with talaniman but have to spread the rep.

Homegirl 50
Jul 23, 2010, 08:20 AM
positiveparent, there are too many parents wanting to be their teens friend rather than putting forth the effort to parent.
There is no way my daughters boyfriend would be spending the night in my house let a lone living there.
Some parents want to be cool, they don't want to say no.

Jul 23, 2010, 09:59 AM
These are the same Kids who will be running our world one day soon, OMG, it makes me shudder to think how its going to be.