View Full Version : How do I let her know I'm not playing these games?

Jul 20, 2010, 12:43 AM
My girlfriend is very loving. She treats me very well so Im not going to break up with her, but lately she has been treating me quite poorly. We are long distance right now so txting and phone calls are very important.

We usually talk all day long through texting, but today I was busy. So we agreed to talk tonight at 8. Well 8 came around and she txted me saying (hold on I will call you). Well a considerable amount of time went by, 15 minutes or so. And I was curious to whether she was calling or not. I don't have all night to wait around. So she basically makes excuses through text for an hour and a half.

Then I finally asked if she's too busy doing something to talk on the phone. She then says she's playing wii with her cousin. I was like wth.. we agreed for a time and now the wii is more important then me after I waited an hour and a half? Through that whole hour and a half she never said she can't talk, or is busy. She just beat around the bush in texts, telling me to hold on and she's going to call "right now".

I got pretty angry, and we never did talk on the phone. Who wouldn't get angry if they were stood up for almost 2 hours?

I would sit down and talk to her about this. But the problem is this is the 3rd time she has done something like this lately. The first two times, we had a long talk about it and she agreed that she would make sure she treats me better and not ignore me. Well we just talked about that last night and she went and did it again tonight...

How can I let her know through my actions (because words aren't working) that Im REALLY done playing these games?

Jul 20, 2010, 04:05 AM
Im sure Talaniman (spelt it wrong sorry) will tell you not to make someone a priority when your not a priority in their life.

Its rude behaviour. She could have said what she was doing first off. Does she see her cousin all the time or was this a special occasion?

If it's a special occasion than I would try to understand a bit more but let her know that all she had to do was tell you the truth. She need to know that sometimes its not what you do, but the way you do it, that's annoying.

Jul 20, 2010, 05:14 AM
I am sure if you stopped waiting, she would get a hint, but the best way I think is just let her know to just tell you when she is busy, so you can do other things with your time.

She isn't playing games with you, she is just rude. It seems that calls are more important to you than her, and its understandable if she is involved with something else, and don't understand why you just don't say see you later, and do your thing. Sitting and waiting for some one to call is frustrating, and would make anyone mad, so when she is to busy, find something else to do besides sitting getting mad about it.

For sure once she gets the message you aren't going to just wait for her to finish what she is doing, maybe you both can adjust your times, when you have it more to yourselves without distraction. I think you both have to be more flexible, and considerate of each other, and she has to communicate better.

You have to stop waiting for hours, and she has to stop making you wait. Unless you talk about it, and keep talking about it, then it becomes a game. That would not be healthy would it? Playing games with each other instead of talking?

Kaka is right, if she has other priorities sometimes, then so should you.

Jul 20, 2010, 05:42 AM
If you are apart, temporarily, but feel the need to text and communicate with somebody all day long, then somebody is a tad insecure here- could it be you?

Perhaps she has just grown weary of talking to you all the time, and didn't want to be rude in saying so. She could also be very secure in this relationship, and doesn't need to hang onto every word you say, all day long, day in and day out, to know how she feels.

She too probably has better things to do than sit and wait to hear from you. Just as you do.

I'd say if you are both secure in your relationship, with each other, then don't go looking for trouble over the little things that mean squat. So what, she was playing Wii with her cousin, and at that moment, that was her priority.

Maybe she enjoys not being tied to the phone, and simply needs to communicate less.

If you eased up on the calls/texts, perhaps when you do talk to each other, you'll not feel the need to be tied to her left hip.