View Full Version : Harassing ex partner

Jul 13, 2010, 03:21 AM
My ex girlfriend keeps texting me. I know it doesn't sound like a big deal but it's the context. She's demanding to know how I'm feeling and what's going on in my head. Ive told her I don't want to talk about things yet. I want to do things in my own way and time but I don't think she can accept this. She replies saying things like doing it my own time is going to be to late for her and I know she's implying suicide there as she's done stupid things like that before mostly all cries out for my attention. Another reply was something like see you in the next life. I don't wish to see or speak to her really in any way as I'm scared I may get manipulated into seeing her again and if I told her that it would properly make my situation worse.

Jul 13, 2010, 05:49 AM
If you fear the truth, you suffer the lie. Tell her the truth and that you wish to move on to other things besides her and be done with it. Back up your words by disappearing from her life and leaving her alone.

Hoping and wishing she will take a hint has gotten you nowhere so far, so do this directly the right way. Sure she may be furious with you, but so what? The goal is distance and peace of mind so stop being wishy washy, and express yourself honestly. NO GAMES, like your playing now.

Jul 13, 2010, 05:58 AM
Just be straight out and talk to her family members and tell them it's over between the two of you and you are concerned about the suicidal thoughts she's exhibiting. That way they may be able to take some action.

Just remember, that because you dated her doesn't make her your lifellong commitment simply because of her mental illness.

Then you need to tell her that it is completely over and move on. If necessary, change your phone number.

Jul 13, 2010, 07:06 AM
I agree with telling her family about your concerns about her mental stability. Reading and/or responding to her texts is enabling her behavior. Block her from contacting you. Get a new number if you have to.

This is a classic need for No Contact. You do not contact her in any shape or form and do not accept contact of any type from her.

If you get a text from her, don't read it. If you receive a text from an unknown person, don't read it.

It may seem harsh, however, at best, she is using emotional blackmail to get what she wants with no thought to what you want. That is cruel. Getting totally out of her life so that she can get help and heal isn't.

Jul 13, 2010, 07:13 AM
I think the best way is to tell her the truth.. if u continue to talk to her she just continue to act the way she is right now.. obvisiously she is crying for attention and u can giving her that...
If u worry about her hurting herself maybe u should talk to her family about it so that they are aware of that..

Jul 13, 2010, 07:15 AM
Typo.. sorry I meant "... attention and u ARE giving her that".. not "u can"..

Jul 13, 2010, 06:10 PM
This problem has a very simple solutions.

Change your phone number.

Alert the authorities that someone is telling you they want to end their life.

Tell her parents. Let them know what she is telling you. They will be able to help her more then you can.

For all you know, this could just be a tactic for you to feel sorry for her and go running back to her. I know you don't want blood on your hands, but really.. the only thing you can do to help her is to stay away from her and contact those who are trained to help people like her.

Good luck

Jul 13, 2010, 08:01 PM
Yes change your phone number or have her number blocked from your phone, until you do don't respond to anything more she sends you, delete texts as they're delivered, your best bet though is to change your number and have nothing more to do with her.

Good idea to let her family know that she's unstable so they can keep an eye on her, then exit and stay away.