View Full Version : Losing the 1ONE

Jul 7, 2010, 11:00 PM
I have been in a very strong relationship with this girl and she says she loves me and that she only sees me with her forever... but just recently my step father got a job in Texas, and he has asked my mother to move down with him, which consists of me leaving my friends, school, family, and my Girlfriend:( when I told her that... she said that she wouldn't be able to handle a long distance relationship... then other days she says that she WILL hold up and be strong for me and faithful for when I return, Ive tried everything to convince her that she can stay strong and that I Won't leave her for anyone in Texas because I only see her as'well I will be back in about 9 months, but I'm afraid for the worst. We have been together for about 14 months and its all been sooooo memorable and happy... I love her so much and I can't afford to lose her... can anyone give me some support or some stern advice? I would be MUCH appreciative. Thank you

Jul 8, 2010, 06:22 AM
Reality is tough, and scary. I don't think you have a choice but, to do it her way, and see what happens when you get back. Sucks for sure but I see no other options at this point.

Jul 8, 2010, 07:02 AM
You are completely out of control on this one. All you can do is spill all your feelings for this girl and hope to god (or whomever) that she feels the same way and that she can hold strong for 9 months.

In the same breath let me make one thing very very clear. If she doesn't think that she can be that strong to hold on for 9 months. Don't fight it. Being in a long distance relationship with a person who doesn't feel the same way you do, just sucks because you'll worry yourself crazy about the littlest things all the time.

If she's honest and says she can wait for you then by all means make it work, she's a heck of a girl if she does. But if it's looking like she doesn't want it. Make your point and walk away don't push it, force it or fight it. You'll just get hurt at the end.


I wish
Jul 8, 2010, 07:08 AM
How old are you? Any chance you can make an arrangement with your mom to stay in the city and maybe live with another relative or friend?

Your step father's job is only temporary right? How long is it going to be?

Are you guys still in school? How much longer until you graduate?

Jul 8, 2010, 07:22 AM
Where does the nine months come from?

How far of a move is this going to be?

When did you find out about this move and when does it take place?

IF you decide to give the long distance relationship a try, there are methods for keeping in touch. You don't have to think about not having any contact with each other during the time you are away. You aren't moving to Mars, after all. I know it feels like it, though.

What do all the parents say about the two of you keeping in touch or continuing the relationship?

Jul 8, 2010, 02:20 PM
Thanks everyone this is good advice, I'm probably making this harder than it should be on myself... and my step dads job is permanent he won't be moving back to spokane, the move is about 6 hours plane ride away, I will be able to come home for the brakes in high school but she says that "thats not enough"... she wants me to stay really bad, and I don't blame her, she needs someone to be there for her. Her dad is constantly gone and her mom is working... and I'm always with her otherwise. Because when I'm not she's very depressed... im worried about the future and what might happen... but I will wait it out and I guess hope for the best. Thanks everyone