View Full Version : X-boy friends

Jul 14, 2004, 10:45 AM
I went to my best friends pool party(lets say her names steph) and my x-boy friend was there(lets say his name was paul) well.. paul started hiting on me.. and I have a boy friend(lets say his names alex) that I've been with for 6 months.. when I went out with paul.. I broke up with him for alex.. and I guess paul wasn't over me that much.. I didn't no it.. but I started flirting with him.. then I started to get this little crush on him.. after paul left.. we played truth or dare.. that night I slept over stephs house.. and we where talking about the party.. and she was saying.. "i could tell ur starting to like paul and paul starting to like you again..and if paul was still there i would have dared him to kiss you when we where playing truth or dare".. and then I came home the next day.. and I was really confused about paul.. and what would I tell alex.. so I told alex what happened.. and then we got into this big fight.. and now I'm over the little crush with paul.. but now pauls having a party soon.. and me and my best friend are going.. and if I no my best friend.. shes going to dare paul to kiss me.. and I don't no what to do.. should I say.. no I can't kiss u I have a boy friend.. or should I kiss paul and not tell alex?. I need some advice badly!

Jul 19, 2004, 02:10 AM
You're still with alex right? Don't kiss paul. How would you feel if alex did the same thing to you? You really need to make up your mind and decide which guy is for you. In the mean time, if you're in a committed relationship with alex, it's unfair if you kiss paul and just omit that info from alex... I mean, you're deceiving him! If you feel like you have feelings for paul, then be honest with alex and break up with him... but if you're unsure, don't do anything that will hurt alex... I hope everything works out. Take care.

Jul 21, 2004, 07:06 PM
Hello I want to say it would be a bad idea to kiss paul. I would also question my best friend intentions for daring me to kiss him. It cool to have fun with your best friend and all but if your in a relationship with someone you like and care about u have to draw the line somewhere. Bad idea if u think your BF is going to do that u might want to ask her not to do that or do not go to the party. If u go and kiss paul chances are it will get back to alex. GOOD LUCK! Take care

Aug 1, 2004, 11:35 AM
You shouldn't kiss Paul. You broke up with him and so everything should be over between you two. If you do still love him then break up with Alex. But don't do anything that will hurt one or even both of them. And/or even yourself.

Aug 1, 2004, 07:45 PM
Sorry to say but you are a very selfish.

You seem to be playing with both these boys feelings and passing them off as you being confused.

Personally I think you know exactly what you are doing and are quite enjoying the attention from both boys.

The fact that you broke up with "Paul" to be with "Alex" to me means that you love the attention anyone gives you and are willing to break off anything you have for something new.

You broke up with paul because alex was giving you attention, and now you are thinking of kissing paul?

Get it right will you, frankly both these boys should just leave you alone as it seems you only want to look after yourself and not them. Both of them will get hurt.

Who's next? Is another boy going to pay attention to you and then both paul and alex are gone?
I suggest you figure out your feelings for paul obviously they weren't much if you were so quick to drop him! Also confirm what you feel for alex which again is not much if your thinking of cheating on him!

You are very shallow person and I can't believe you are thinking of kisssing another boy and hiding it when you have a boyfriend.

I suggest you be by yourself and turn into a player because that's all you are putting yourself across as.

Maybe you should get into a committed relationship when your mature enough to be in one.
Obviously you have no idea of how to treat a boyfreind. In fact I'm feeling quite sorry for Alex!

Aug 2, 2004, 03:36 PM
Harsh much? Confused 2504, your apparent bitterness would suggest that this has happened to you before. Regardless, why don't you take a valium or have a drink or something. Lot's of people have mixed emotions about lots of different things. Just cause she likes 2 boys doesn't make her selfish. And your rudeness is intolerable. How perfect you must be, to spout such self-righteous crap. Anyway, done with you now.

As for you XxKAM, don't worry about what mean people say to or about you. You do what it is that makes you happy. But it really would be unfair to Alex. It would be in everyone's best interest to pick one of the boys and stick to your decision. Karma can be pretty ugly.

I hope it works out for you.


Aug 5, 2004, 11:25 PM
Look I was just placing the facts from my point of view. Sometimes people need a realistic opinion. Don't fault me for keeping it real for the girl.

Yeah people have mixed emotions about relationships but end of the day common sense plays a part...

Look I put my point of view across, she doenst have to listen to me.

If you don't agree with the way I respond that's your prerogative. I say what I say, and if people don't want a mix of opinions on their situations, then why write on the website??

I say what I say.. and always will... and just because I have a strong opinion about things doesn't mean I think Im perfect. How old are you scorpio... 12? What an immature mind you must have if you think everyone that responds will have the opinion of happiness and love. Geez what a protected world you must live in.
How about you check into the real one soon! : )

I would have expected you to be abit more open minded considering you classify yourself as a junior expert!!

Aug 7, 2004, 01:17 PM
I think this matter really depends on how old everyone is here.  I haven't seen a 'truth or dare' game played since I was in early high school.

If XxKAM2xX is still in high school, then I'd say, go play,  and have your fun.  I'm not discrediting all relationships in high school, but the truth is that most people have no idea what's going on anyway.  Dating was for fun, and you don't look beyond next week's plans.  I didn't learn to care for a person (as in thinking of their best interests) until I got out of the sheltered bubble world of high school and started working.

Let's not be so harsh.  

However, if XxKAM2xX is beyond that age, then I shall just shake my head, sigh, and scream... "PLAYER!!!" If you're going to play 'no-strings attached,' non-committing, relationships with a string of people... be my guest- but I suggest you don't lie/cheat.

I don't think I need to go into the details of how cheating is not benficial to a committed relationship for the long run.


Aug 10, 2004, 08:00 AM
What you really should be thinking of is who you are as a person and how your behavior now can have a great impact on your future. Ask yourself; "am I capable of making a comitment to someone?" and "is it possible that I can remain faithful to one person?" or "will I be flippy floppy everytime a new situation comes my way?". It may not seem important to you now, but your behavior now can have serious consequences later on in life when it really matters to you! The only reason you told Alex was to evoke a reaction, which was very sly, However it almost cost you a boyfriend. If you are going to go through life burning a candle at both ends sooner or later you are going to get burned! Get Honest with Yourself!!