View Full Version : Can my 16 yr old daughter leave care and come home

May 31, 2010, 06:12 AM
My 16 yr old daughter wants to leave the care home she is in and come home to me I am OK with this but I am also worried about what social services will do if she does as she is 16 do they have any legal rights over her as I still have parental responsibility

May 31, 2010, 06:33 AM
Need a little info - why is she in foster care? Court Order, agreement, something else?

What do you mean by "legal rights over her"?

May 31, 2010, 08:55 AM
I had a breakdown and her and her siblings were taken from me by the courts but she is not happy where she is what I want to know is if she wants to leave can they stop her

May 31, 2010, 09:01 AM
i had a breakdown and her and her siblings were taken from me by the courts but she is not happy where she is what i want to know is if she wants to leave can they stop her
How are you doing now? Are you still getting some kind of mental health care? Have you talked with your psychiatrist or health care worker about your daughter returning to live with you?

May 31, 2010, 10:43 AM
No but I am on medication and am stronger now then before

May 31, 2010, 08:33 PM
If there was a court order to remove the children from their home, you would have to most likely deal with the CPS or CAS if you are in Canada, in order for them to evaluate the situation at home, and recommend the children be returned to you.

Are you in regular touch with a Social Worker as to how your children are doing?

I am wondering why, if you feel strong enough to have one child home, when or what has been planned for the return of the others.

I would contact your worker to let her know what is going on with the 16 year old if she doesn't know already. For your daughter to just come home without them knowing may not be the best idea. Try instead to just be upfront and honest with them, and that you feel ready to resume the responsibilities of parenting your child/children.

I hope that you continue to get well, and you will all be back together in the near future.

Take good care of yourself.

Jun 1, 2010, 05:34 AM
OUt of greenies, Jake - but excellent, well said.

And, yes, let's hope the OP keeps things together and gets her children "back " (if that is in the best interest of the children).

I wonder where the father is in all of this and what part he played.