View Full Version : Does a wasp die after it stings you?

May 5, 2010, 02:12 PM
Does it die? And is there any specific treatment?

May 5, 2010, 02:23 PM
A wasp stuinger is not barbed so it can sting over and over and not be affected. Some bees have barbed stingers and they will die when they are pulled of you. Read this Bee and Wasp Sting Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment on eMedicineHealth.com (http://www.emedicinehealth.com/bee_and_wasp_stings/article_em.htm) If you have any swelling of the tongue or throat get to an emergency room asap

May 5, 2010, 03:08 PM
Another old folk remedy for bee/wasp stings is a poultice made of wet tobacco. Supposedly the nicotine is a counter irritant that counteracts the venom while the drying poultice acts to "draw out the swelling."

Putting something cool and wet on an inflamed site makes sense. I know of no science for or against the counterirritant theory.

May 9, 2010, 07:51 PM
My grandmother always used to put wet mud on stings. I don't know if it's been medically proven, but it sure helped the pain.