View Full Version : Cortisone and depigmentation of the skin

Apr 25, 2010, 09:16 PM
Ok so recently I got a huge milk white patch on my foot that looked like vitiligo, and I was freaked out because I don't use mono and I have never heard of HQ 4 giving anyone spotting and I was scared to death about what caused it...

I have a bad foot injury with severe nerve damage and I got a cortisone injection into the muscle on that foot a month before and forgot about it until the skin bleached completely in that area...

I went back to my doc and was relieved when he said it is a rare reaction for some people to completely lose pigment at the injected area (which is about the size of three fingers across the top of my foot)...

I was wondering is there any connection between this reaction and the reaction people get of drastic whitening when using creams with steroids in them?

Or is this just coincendental?. there are a lot of different types of steroids and I'm not sure what the heck cortisone is either. I know very little about any of them. There didn't seem to be any thinning of the skin in the area but it managed to kill all of the melanocytes in that area. To the point it looked like I have vitiligo in my foot... but it won't spread or anything so I'm not worried... but for the most part it is permanent the doc said.

Not that I would want to be completely depigmented by any means I was just curious as to why such a strange reaction from injected cortisone would happen... maybe some of you are informed in this area and can shed a little light on it...

Apr 26, 2010, 01:54 AM
Of course cortisones and steroids make a huge difference in lightening or depigging. I have been saying this all along!

That's why I find fair and flawless a cheap antic!

Apr 26, 2010, 07:31 AM
I know that when you use steroids,it gives you what people call ''rice''lol
White dots on your legs especially.Never heard of a patch...

Apr 26, 2010, 09:20 AM
I've had temporary deppigmentation from steriod injections after I had a keloid removed from my ear lobe, but the area repigged after 2 years or so

Apr 26, 2010, 01:25 PM
Oh OK everyone thanks for the info..

Mar 3, 2012, 03:14 AM
Hey I know this is a bit late but I had the same injection in my wrist about 2 months ago and just now I've got a white patch and my doc was trying to say it wasn't from the injection as I got it a few months ago