View Full Version : Snails on house and property

Apr 12, 2010, 04:36 PM
Any ideas why some people get snails on their house and on their property. There everywhere outside. Ideas on how to get rid of them. Already put salt on some of them that were attached to the house. With a mix of salt and water. But it killing my grass... Help... Why does this happen. Nobody else seems to be having problems with snails.

Apr 12, 2010, 05:49 PM
Why slugs are attracted to one house and not the other is an open question. Some will say it's random chance; others will say that the species of mildew on a house attracts or repels them.

There are two proven methods for getting rid of them. Both are fairly labor-intensive.

Poison baits are available to sprinkle in the yard and under the deck. Getting under the deck is the hard part in some cases.

Setting traps with container lids or pie pans with beer in them works well but is an every day chore.

Apr 13, 2010, 08:17 AM
Poison pellets from your garden supplier work great. If you don't want to use those, one more thing works well: put a small amount of beer in a shallow bowl & leave around the outside. The salt in the beer attracts the snails and they die in the bowl. Hate to waste beer but it works. Good luck.

Apr 14, 2010, 09:46 AM
tiny4me76 agrees : It's hard to believe beer works, but oh well, I don't drink it anyways. At this point I'll try anything that will work. Thanks...

Snails and slugs are herbivorous. The odor of the hops in beer is very attractive to them. They crawl into the container to start feasting and the alcohol dehydrates them. It's actually faster than salt.

The downside is cleaning up the container lid or pie pan the next morning. Dehydrated slugs can be pretty gross.

Jun 10, 2010, 10:23 PM
Duplicate posts deleted - Catsmine

Jun 10, 2010, 10:24 PM

I have a hobby gardening site and have nine natural ways to get rid of garden snails and slugs which may interest you. There are photos and simple instructions for each solution.

Garden Snails (http://www.sustainable-gardening-tips.com/garden-snails.html)

There are many different tips and some work better than others depending on your climate and the design of your garden to name just a couple. At this time of year you will need to have some clever ways to stop snails.

I really don't like commercial baits as they can cause death and / or illness in other innocent pets, birds and animals.

Please have a look and choose from the nine options and try to eliminate them in a sustainable way.

Kind regards
(Gardener and Permaculturist)

Jun 11, 2010, 02:19 AM

I have a hobby gardening site and have nine natural ways to get rid of garden snails and slugs which may interest you. There are photos and simple instructions for each solution.

Garden Snails (http://www.sustainable-gardening-tips.com/garden-snails.html)

Decent information on your site, Robynn. Thanks.