View Full Version : Why don't people understand what make pitbullmixed dos aggressive

Mar 30, 2010, 08:48 PM
I'm a dog lover have a dog pitbull mixed I have been reading about pitbull attacks lately iknow that I give my dog unconditional love you have to I don't do it all the time but when I do its just me and him. Just like a child I kiss him rub him where he shows me he wants my attentions he's my baby to me they are very jealous of your attention just like a child

Mar 31, 2010, 07:02 PM
People naturally associate certain breeds with aggressiveness. It is based on some truth. Labs are far more docile than rottweilers. However, what people don't understand, is that every dog is different, they often reflect their training and condition of environment. Some of it may be rooted in the fact that certain breeds of dogs are trained to be a certain way based on their nature. You will never see a Pomeranian as a junk yard dog, it just wouldn't work.

Mar 31, 2010, 07:20 PM
I guess I don't read any stories about a collie eating a child's face off.

May 2, 2010, 11:14 AM
Above anything else, you must never forget that your dog whom you kiss and cuddle and have special times with, is still an animal.

Some can turn for no reason,badly injuring a small child or sometimes an adult, even to the point of death.

You have to be a responsible owner to keep an aggressive breed such as this, no matter how gentle your dog appears, it only takes a moment for his nasty side to show...

May 2, 2010, 05:29 PM
Pit bulls get a bad rep. due to the gang bangers that have those dogs so incredibly wacked out of their minds, that the dog no longer knows it's a dog.

Pit Bulls were BRED to be good with people. When those dogs are being fought, the handlers are in the rings, literally, with their faces in the middle of it. They can pull their dogs off each other, without worry that the dog is going to swing around and bite the handler. The dogs that bite the handler, were never bred. So it was bred into this breed to be good with people.

And 0rphan, you are so wrong. These dogs are not ticking time bombs. That's the media and the Pit Bull haters putting that into your head. They're very loyal. They're wonderful with kids. They're gentle and very smart. The dogs that turn out to be mean, are the dogs that have been severely abused. Tortured. Starved. Probably given drugs... These dogs do not "turn" for no reason. It has been proven through the shelter system, that these dogs have a higher threshold for tolerance then a Golden Retriever. Pit Bulls 100x over will pass the temperament test with flying colors. So no, these dogs do not "turn" for no reason. There is always a reason why a dog will bite a person, and that reason is typically due to a person being very abusive to that dog. A lot of aggression gets mistaken for fear. A dogs only means of protection is its teeth.

I own three Pit Bulls. All female. They get along great with one another, and for the most part, get along great with other dogs. My dogs aren't ticking time bombs. They're great with kids. They allow kids to crawl all over them, poke their noses and play with their ears and feet.

Also... I remember an article that I read stating that the mixed pit bull breed is a higher bite risk then the pure bred pits. Whenever breeds start to be mixed, the temperament is unknown. Plus, the "pit bull" part for the mix, could very well not be a pit bull, but something else.

I'll say it again. Pit Bulls were bred to be great with people.

There are more reported bites from GSDs and Golden Retrievers then there are of Pit Bulls. The media choses to tarnish this breed by making some huge ordeal over it.

About 5 years ago, a little girl was mauled to death by an Akita. Not a Pit Bull. You think that made news?No. It was a blurp in the newspaper.

May 2, 2010, 05:34 PM
I guess I don't read any stories about a collie eating a childs face off.

How about a thumb being ripped off by a cocker spaniel.

All dogs have the ability to be aggressive. Not saying that it doesn't happen, but most poodles or labs aren't being beaten and TAUGHT to fight.

May 2, 2010, 05:43 PM
Orphan, that was a brilliant summation of the image generated by news people desperate for a story. It's a good thing it's totally fabricated.

That "turn on you for no reason" line has been used about every EEEVIL breed of dog for at least half a century. I've heard it about my Dobermans. I've heard it about Rottweilers. Now we all hear it about Pits.

There is a reason for EVERY dog bite. Sometimes it's obscure. Most times it's the human's fault, but nobody hears about the sweet little kid that got mauled throwing rocks at the dog daily for a month.

Funsusie, Orphan does have a point about you need to be responsible for training and socializing your dog.