View Full Version : TopiClear Products

Mar 28, 2010, 12:33 PM
Okay so I'm about to head on to the store and buy some skin lightening soaps/creams. Amongst some of them is TopiClear . Now I've heard some good things about TopiClear , but I've also heard some bad things as well , such as the fact that it contains steroids.. . =/

Now my question is : Does TopiClear work? And how fast does it work?

Also I plan on mixing the TopiClear cream/gel with my Dr. Fred Summit.. .

Dec 28, 2010, 03:04 PM
The product definitely works.. it gives an even, healthy, lighter complexion. I love to squeeze bumps so for me it works perfectly in getting rid of spots... as for the health risk... I have never experienced any and I have been using it 4 over 2 years.