View Full Version : Confusion...

Feb 28, 2010, 02:34 PM
Hey there. I am in my first year at university, and I've tried to steer clear of relationships for now because I am trying to focus on my studies, but last semester in my English class, I accidentally met a 25 year old student who seemed to have a lot in common with me.

On the first day we met he asked for number because we seemed to get along quite well, and I was looking forward to having a new friend :)However, after a week, things changed. He started becoming quite rude to me, and he kept teasing me in a very childish manner :confused:

Odd thing is, the following week after, he went back to his nice old self as he was when I first met him. I didn't think much about it, and let it slide because I thought maybe he was having a rough day.

Unfortunately, it has continued even really recently. He has called me before, and he did a while back, and asked if we could hang out. We did, we went to lunch, and he seemed to be just fine for about 2 hours, however after those 2 hours, he suddenly turned back in Mr. Hyde, so to speak. He went so far as not even helping me up when I nearly slipped on some ice :(

I thought that was the last straw, and I didn't bother talking to him after that, but sadly, he called me back after a month, and he was all nice again. And just yesterday, he called me and asked if we could hang out again.

Now here is my question. Does this guy enjoying making a fool of me? Is he using me for his own personal game and to get a good laugh whenever he's bored? Or is there something deeper going on?

Feb 28, 2010, 02:43 PM
Why do you care why is he a jerk, perhaps he has a personality disorder, maybe he has no idea of how to "date" or be friends.

If he is rude and makes fun of you, just don't go back out with him.

Feb 28, 2010, 02:52 PM
It’s difficult to say what’s going on in his mind. There are actual personality disorders that seem to resemble Jekyll and Hyde, but then again maybe he’s just moody. Either way my advice would be the same.

I would definitely back away from this guy. If he’s acting this odd in the short period that you’ve known him, just imagine how weird he may become several months or years down the road. Don’t e-mail, text, or talk to him on the phone. Find a nice guy with a nice stable personality if you want a happy life. :)

Feb 28, 2010, 02:52 PM
why do you care why is he a jerk, perhaps he has a personality disorder, maybe he has no idea of how to "date" or be friends.

If he is rude and makes fun of you, just don't go back out with him.

True true, you make a good point, I was merely confused as to why he is being this way because I never treated him like that, so I was wondering if I was saying or doing something wrong to provoke him in the first place, then I could understand the problem better.

Feb 28, 2010, 02:55 PM
It’s difficult to say what’s going on in his mind. There are actual personality disorders that seem to resemble Jekyll and Hyde, but then again maybe he’s just moody. Either way my advice would be the same.

I would definitely back away from this guy. If he’s acting this odd in the short period of time that you’ve known him, just imagine how weird he may become several months or years down the road. Don’t e-mail, text, or talk to him on the phone. Find a nice guy with a nice stable personality if you want a happy life. :)

Thanks so much! I really liked your answer! I wasn't the one who was always calling him up, he has already called me himself more than 5 times, he keeps initiating it. I personally don't want to see him anymore either.

Feb 28, 2010, 03:24 PM
This is my take on the situation, it could be completely off, but this is what went on in MY HEAD when I read your story!
This guy just wants to get laid from you! And every time HE is not getting laid, or it doesn't even happen, he gets a little upset and starts being a jerk!
So then you ignore him forawhile, then he is over it, and then calls again all nice. But then he goes out with you, and doesn't get laid so he gets mad!
He is just looking for some sex from you! Often when a guy gets mad for no apparent reason, its because there not getting any, and they want some. Drop him like a hot potato!

Feb 28, 2010, 03:46 PM
This is my take on the situation, it could be completely off, but this is what went on in MY HEAD when I read your story!
This guy just wants to get laid from you! And everytime HE is not getting laid, or it doesnt even happen, he gets a little upset and starts being a jerk!
So then you ignore him forawhile, then he is over it, and then calls again all nice. But then he goes out with you, and doesnt get laid so he gets mad!
He is just looking for some sex from you! Often when a guy gets mad for no apparant reason, its because there not getting any, and they want some. Drop him like a hot potatoe!

Thank you so much dynocompe! :) That thought did cross my mind too in the beginning, but I totally forgot about it because other things have kept me really busy. And yes, he has flirted with me on and off here and there, but I really didn't think he wanted sex! :eek:

Thanks for the warning though, I will be very careful! :)

Feb 28, 2010, 04:11 PM
I wasn't the one who was always calling him up, he has already called me himself more than 5 times, he keeps initiating it. I personally don't want to see him anymore either.

You're making the right decision in not seeing him anymore. You're much better off without him in your life! :) :)

Feb 28, 2010, 10:52 PM
He seemed nice enough at first, but now that you know more about him as a person, leave him alone, because he has issues. Why should you accommodate a person who is that confusing, and creepy actually. I sure wouldn't.

Just say NO to this one. You don't need the aggravation, drama, confusion, or disrespect, no matter what his issues are.

Mar 1, 2010, 12:47 AM
Ignore him and chalk it up to experience-he sounds like a weirdo-you don't need people like that in your life.