View Full Version : How can my husband adopt my son

Nov 25, 2006, 09:36 PM
I got married in February of 2006. My son was born in June of 2005. The biological father is not in the picture and I would like to know how my husband can adopt my son. We have been looking into him adopting my son since we got married and we haven't been able to find out any information. Please help me.

Nov 30, 2006, 09:34 AM
I got married in February of 2006. My son was born in June of 2005. The biological father is not in the picture and I would like to know how my husband can adopt my son. We have been looking into him adopting my son since we got married and we haven't been able to find out any information. Please help me.
First, The bio dad has to sign his rights over. IF Bio dad is OK with that, it's really simple but you may need a lawyer to help with the paper work. If Bio dad won't sign over it get's more difficult.
If you don't know where Bio dad is, then you petition the courts to takes his rights away due to the possible adoption. Then you have to put something in the paper in the last known city he lived in for so many days. I would speak to a lawyer to get the details, but this is what I've found from a friend of mine who's husband adopted her oldest son.

Nov 30, 2006, 09:46 AM
You hire an attorney, they will serve notice on the bio dad, he will be asked to give up any and all rights to the baby, and any obligation, such as child support)

Once that is signed, your new husband can adopt the infant, the attorney normally has it all ready to happen as soon as the bio dad signs rights over

Dec 2, 2006, 09:03 AM
File a motion with the local Family Court. You'll need to show proof that you've made every good faith effort to contact the biological father. After the prescribed waiting time, the adoption should be able to proceed without the father's consent.