View Full Version : 15a2b2 + 25a4b - 40a3b6

Jan 29, 2010, 08:18 AM
Factor fully

Jan 29, 2010, 08:51 AM
What did you try?

An example is : 3x^2 + 6xy , when factored gives 3x(x+2y)

You 'move' the common factors out and insert brackets.

Jan 30, 2010, 06:22 PM
15a2b2 + 25a4b - 40a3b6

does that translate into:

15a^2b^2 + 25a^4b - 40a^3b^6

If so...

Pull out all of the a's you can, then the b's and then look for a common factor among the constant numbers and pull that out. If you can, factor what's left...

a^2(15b^2 + 25a^2b - 40ab^6)

a^2b(15b + 25a^2 - 40ab^5)

5a^2b(3b + 5a^2 - 8ab^5)