View Full Version : He says he doesn't want a relationship at the moment

Jan 24, 2010, 01:11 PM
Ok, so need some opinions... me and this boy have been friends for a while now from the word go he liked me and I liked him. He feelings for me got a lot stronger but he said he doesn't want a relationship right now, he said he may want one soon just not the now because he has courses to finish and wants to get that out the way first. He said he knew from the start I was something special and that he likes me a lot and that we would go to the cinema one day. He also said he hoped something would happen with us one day soon. Yesterday we went on a date it wnt well he said he had a good night but today I asked him if he wanted to meet again sometime he said yeah we will sort something out but he doesn't want to rush into a relationship right now...

What is your view on this ? Do you think I will get anywher with him ?

Jan 24, 2010, 01:17 PM
He's made it pretty clear that he's busy with school and is not looking to have a relationship right now.

Don't wait around hoping he'll change his mind-continue living your life and date other guys.

J. Sparks
Jan 24, 2010, 01:31 PM
I can tell you that right now if I met the most wonderful, beautiful and loving person I'm not wanting a relationship right now either. Let him finish his courses.

There's no need to rush or you'll scare him off, that's my advice, take it slowly even when you're
Dying with anticipation.

Jan 24, 2010, 03:17 PM
He's been honest with you and told you he's not ready , don't push it as that may make him flee for the hills.

Take your time and just enjoy the times you have together and see how it goes from there. But let him know that if he's not willing to be exclusive then you aren't going to be either.