View Full Version : Is my boyfriend(gay) still interested?

Jan 21, 2010, 06:15 PM
Hey everyone, I don't know what to do and would love some guidance:

I came out for the first time to my gay best friend a few days ago and told him I had a crush on him. He told me that he felt the same way and that he would love to be with me. I told him that I was a little worried that this may make things a bit awkward, but he said that "it's not awkward if you just go with the flow." and that he never lets anything that happens between [him] and a guy ruin anything." We talked some more and decided to give it a try. We talked and flirted for a few more hours and he headed to bed.

The next day, I started talking with him and trying to flirt, but he didn't seem interested. It was almost as if he didn't take our talk the night before seriously, and he didn't really care. I brought it up a little bit and he was nice about it, but he seemed indifferent. I would really love some advice on whether he is playing hard to get or if he just doesn't care. Is there a way for me to get his attention.

Thanks a lot,


Jan 21, 2010, 06:31 PM
Well it's a lot to think about when someone comes out to you, whether your gay or not.

But for this also to be a possible start of a relationship adds more pressure.

Take it easy and go with the flow. In my opinion going straight into a relationship only complicated further a trying experience.

My advice would be to continue as you were before as friends and see how it goes.

Jan 21, 2010, 11:41 PM
I think you did all that you can do. You told him how you feel. I wouldn't say anything else. He already knows. Let him man-up and come to you, if he wants you. Keep him as a friend, but go see what else is out there. I hope it works out for you.