View Full Version : Terrible oil smell in old house from 1940. What should I do?

Jan 19, 2010, 12:20 PM
I just bought an old house from 1940. The walls are stone. The basement is where the oil tank is. Poor ventilation and no windows. The system is old. I had a repairman come to clean. Advice?


Jan 19, 2010, 12:34 PM
Fuel oil is one of the most difficult smells to get rid of. During the floods of years past many an oil tank would fall over and leak its number 2 oil in the basement. When the flood was over and the basement pumped dry the smell would still be there. Many of those homes were torn down since the smell that got into the rock/block foundation could not be removed. It is very difficult to judge a smell from here but I suggest you have the home looked over well and check into any new products on the market that might help. Odor Out was a product invented years ago but the EPA stopped it from being produced and used since the caused respiratory problems in humans.

Good luck with your problem.