View Full Version : About Cannon's Law of Denervation

Nov 15, 2006, 08:23 PM
Hi everybody, does some one know some information like the definition about the "Cannon's Law of Denervation"?
Thanks very much!

Nov 16, 2006, 05:56 AM
You can find many answers here (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Cannon%27s+Law+of+Denervation&btnG=Google+Search).

Nov 16, 2006, 11:38 AM
Thanks very much!

Nov 16, 2006, 12:28 PM
Is this associated with the Catholic Church... suggest to read this book:
"A Concise Guide to Canon Law-a Practical Handbook for Pastoral Ministries"

Nov 16, 2006, 06:31 PM
No, Luna, this has NOTHING to do with religion!!

It is in the medical field and has to do with Neurophysiology!!

It deals with long-term damage of early sensory deprivation trauma.

Nov 16, 2006, 08:14 PM
Yeah, J is right, its about the medical field question, and thanks again I got the answer from J.

Nov 16, 2006, 08:28 PM
No, Luna, this has NOTHING to do with religion!!

It is in the medical field and has to do with Neurophysiology!!

It deals with long-term damage of early sensory deprivation trauma.

The word has multi meanings one is science, moral, ethical ,e.g man faith be associated with this opinion and meaning and it applies to the function of certain nerves systems... the word association is varied so give all direction... if you bother to read the book... and references from many Doctors... which is what I am encouraging... it goes deeper than the human phys. And goes into depth in ethics and moral behavior... core of humanity
Dr. Prescott Developmental Neuropsychology; Psychophysiology; Cross-Cultural Psychology; Health Psychology; Quantitative Methods is quoted in many tomes addressing something... If confirmed, these studies may have profound implications for human cultures that raise their infants with low levels of touching and movement. Children in these societies may be unable to experience certain kinds of pleasure -- and be predisposed to apathy and violence.. . thus the religious text which manifests itself by religion is used to control it membership...

"It deals with long-term damage of early sensory deprivation trauma"You only are half the way there... the story moves on...

“What is ethical and moral behavior for one may be unethical and immoral for another. On the basis of cross-cultural studies of human behavior, can we establish some uniform and invariant principles of moral behavior that would apply to all human societies? Probably not! Even the taking of human life has its cultural and moral acceptance in societies known for their religious rites of human sacrifice and infanticide.”

Guess what... I asked a question for the question had varied of answers... do not have me do this person homework... do not call me out... but if this is the way things are done... I will for now on let you know...

Now you are a nurse I on the other hand am not a nurse but an academic... you will see it your way and I will see it mine...


Nov 17, 2006, 05:27 AM
Yes, you are right, I am only half way there, but I only quoted one sentence from the number of articles I read. I considered copying and pasting one of the articles, but I decided that the post would have been way too long.

Yes, the word Canon's Law are words with multiple meanings, however the final word, Denervation does direct us to the medical field.

Nov 17, 2006, 05:41 AM
I agree with J_9.
Yes, it is true true that early sensory deprivation often leads to a failure in maternal bonding, and hence a generalized lack of ability to develop contact emotions such as empathy -- left unchecked this can inevitably alter or retard brain development, thereby manifesting as asocial or sociopathic behavior in the later teens or adulthood.
While this certainly raises many issues of morals and ethics, nature versus nurture -- this question most succintly falls within the medical field.