View Full Version : Lizard control at home

Dec 4, 2009, 08:23 AM
I need a definite way to rid my home of lizards. If I see one in my house, he will die! I am afraid of them, I don't like them, I DO NOT want one for a pet. I need to rid my house of them. Is there a pesticide I can buy? Is there anything on the market to get rid of them? HELP!!

Dec 4, 2009, 03:42 PM
Lizards, like snakes, are rather odor oriented. The snake repellants sold in lawn and garden sections should do the trick. The down side to the snake repellants is they're half napthalene (mothball flakes). For indoors, something as odorous but less dangerous is paprika. Paprika does well in the garage, too, but washes away outdoors.