View Full Version : Wein-McLain gas burner Gold series

Nov 8, 2006, 09:52 AM

I live on the 3rd floor of an apartment and I have air in the pipes because my furnace was shut off for a period and I think my heater turned on and pulled what hot water was left. I have a pressure release valve that I have been letting hot water trickle from and I do hear air pushing out every so often. I have been doing this for 3 days now and still have no heat or hot water able to make its way to the up stairs. The water does get hot about a foot or two above the Taco but won't enter the piping that leads past a valve that has a solenoid on top. (I don't know exactly what that is sorry) My question is... how much water should I let release from the intake and more so, when do I know when it is done? Also, is there something else I can do that I missed?
Thank you,


Nov 8, 2006, 04:31 PM
My guess is you have 3 zone valves, Taco makes valves and pumps, so I hope you are speaking of a zone valve. Often they have a way to manually open them. Try to manually open it and see if you don't get heat. If you do, either there is a low voltage problem (open connection, bad 'stat, bad end switch) or a bad solenoid.