View Full Version : Worried cat owner

Nov 7, 2009, 11:30 PM
Our cat Purr-Purr is about 9 years old. He is a normal cat through and through. Recently he has been showing signs of odd behavior. About a week or so ago he began urinating on my son's backpack. And then once without warning he defacated in the kitchen. He has been urinating more and more on the rugs, coats... anything left in the floor. And now he is showing signs of becoming very withdrawn and at times even non-responsive to our calls. For the past few days he hasn't had any appetite at all and has sleeps constantly. He has always used his litter box, had a healthy appetite and is a very loved and cared for cat. Please, can anyone help? :confused:

Nov 7, 2009, 11:40 PM
He's not really an old guy yet. Have you taken him to the vet? He could have an infection of some kind. A vet check is the only way to find out.

Nov 12, 2009, 08:15 PM
I think this absolutely calls for a vet trip. While 9 isn't old, it's old enough to start having certain issues, and that kind of sudden change in behavior could definitely be medically-based. It could be behavioral also, but you need to check for medical reasons first.

Nov 13, 2009, 08:03 AM
My cat has similar problems but she's almost 16 years old. I would definitely call a vet to have him checked out. He could have something wrong with his sniffer (nose) that's causing him for urinate on things. And usually if there's something wrong with the nose there's something wrong with the brain. So I'd have him checked out just to make sure.

Nov 13, 2009, 10:05 AM
Definitely go to the vet. It could be as simple as a urinary tract infection. However I had a cat that did that. Almost exactly what you are describing. Turned out to be kidney failure. She was 12 years old though. Don't mean to scare you, but usually when cats start acting strange there is something wrong. You don't want to wait too long, especially with a poor appetite. Not eating can cause a whole new set of problems. Try some really smelly canned food or even baby food meat to stimulate an appetite. I've even grilled my cat skinless boneless chicken breast that she would normally go crazy for. When she didn't, I knew it was bad. Let us know what happens. Good luck

Nov 13, 2009, 03:32 PM
Please let us know what happens.