View Full Version : Was God invented to control Man

Oct 15, 2009, 03:53 PM
Hello People,

I would like to know what people think about this

I have heard it say that they only way to control mankind is through Hope and Fear.

This can be pushed by man in any direction however, man can kill another man

When religeon started to appear thousands of years ago, there was now a new dimension

The rulers of the area started to state they were appointed by God and as such was above reproach

As God cannot be seen, how can anybody fight him, if his angered his wrath is always mighty and as such no man can kill God (so states the books)

God was able to control the masses through Hope and Fear

So my question is this, Was God created by Man?

Just Dahlia
Oct 15, 2009, 04:09 PM
God created Man:)
At least as far as I was brought up, as a Catholic, the rest is way beyond what my pea brain can comprehend.:rolleyes:

Edit: and if he was invented to control Man, he's not doing a very good job, as far as I'm concerned.

::Please don't strike me down::

Oct 15, 2009, 05:46 PM
Governments have used religion to control people.

Oct 19, 2009, 02:09 AM
Was God invented to control man? According to Marx he was.

Marx claimed that religion was the opium of the people. Religion is a sign of the oppressed creature. The economic conditions of the poor prevent them from finding true happiness. If you can't find true happiness in this world your will find it in the next.

Governments using religion to control people? Yes, Marx would say that governments are intent on perpetuating the myth to keep the masses under control.

Keeping in mind of course we are talking about 19th century industrialized society.

Marx was of the opinion that because he had discovered the economic origin of religion he had exposed the idea of god as a myth. This argument is irrelevant as to whether God exists or not.

Just because we have discovered the origins of a belief does not mean that we have disproved this belief.

Nov 15, 2010, 08:05 PM
I think politics controls people more than religion. After all in the US we give a real close to half our earnings to the government in taxes. The church only asked for a tenth. Politicians make huge promises during election time and don't deliver when they're in power. Religion could be a crap shoot, but when I read the bible, which could also be a copy catted version of the Egyptian religion, I at least find peace and comfort somehow. I guess to each his own...

Mar 4, 2011, 11:20 AM
God created man in his own image. Satan deceived man, still is and satan is controlling the world for now. He uses religion, politics and anything he can to keep man from coming into a relationship with God. RELATIONSHIP is what God wants from mankind.. not religion.

Oct 14, 2011, 04:42 PM
Yep, Man created god to give a blank check for femicide, genocide, infanticide, slavery, and annihilation.
No happy about that. No way I would pray to that BS.