View Full Version : Small red bumps around genitelia

Oct 31, 2006, 01:24 PM
Somebody please give me some advice. I am 18 years old and a virgin if this helps. But for the past two years I have had small very itchy bumps on the skin around my genetelia not actually on it though or on my penis but is very embaressing and have closed myself off from society .have not gone to a docter because not sure if my dads insurance report will tell him why I went. I really need help so please give me some advice. I have tried anti-itching cream and alcohol but it won't go away. And because of scratching am afraid of scaring.

Nov 1, 2006, 05:32 PM
This is nothing to be ashamed of, tell your dad what's going on (so he won't get an unexpected bill in the mail) and go to the doctor.

In the mean time, Ive heard that certain types of cheap laundry detergent can cause such problems. You might also try gold bond medicated powder.

Personally, I have occational itching down there when I sweat a lot in the summer time. The powder helps me out a lot, but if your condition is very cronic, you should see a doctor.

Nov 1, 2006, 05:52 PM
Are you in sports? It could be something as simple as jock itch, which is a simple yeast infection the same as athletes foot.

You need to talk to your dad, remember he has a penis too, this could have happened to him. He may even know what it is.

If he does not you need to go to a doc to have it checked out. Make an appointment with a male doc, if you can, remember he has a penis too, and he most likely sees patients with them all day at work.

You don't want to ignore your reproductive health.

Nov 2, 2006, 09:19 AM
Thanks everybody I guess ill talk to my dad and go see a doc.