View Full Version : Motorcycle helmets

Oct 30, 2006, 11:58 AM
I am currently doing a research paper in my english class and the topic is should people wear motorcycle helmets? Its not a law in every state but should it be? Your thoughts would be GREATLY appreciated!! :o

Oct 30, 2006, 11:59 AM
I think everyone should have to.. I mean what will if hurt if you do? And think what it can if you don't!

Nov 1, 2006, 05:35 PM
All of the riders in my family hate Virginias law of having to wear a helmet. I think they are stupid.

When you are going 70 MPH down the highway, your in a dangerous position as it is. If you had a sudden accident, it wouldn't be pretty, helmet or not, but I can almost garentee that YOU WILL DIE if you are not wearing one. After all, there is nothing like the feeling of smashing your head on asfault at 70 MPH.

Do a search on the internet for accident stories where people don't wear a helmet. Local newspapers, etc.

Nov 1, 2006, 05:45 PM
I have seen enough closed head injuries that have resulted from riders at low speed who did not wear a helmet it makes me sick to think about it. Some closed head injuries are permanent not to mention severe.

Yes a crash at 70 is most likely going to kill you, helmet or not. But a crash at 15 miles ab hour and your head just bumps the pavement can cause permanent damage.

Whenever your head hits something, your brain gets "bounced" in the cranial cavity. That bouncing can cause serious and permanent damage.

So, yes, a helmet should be worn. Anyone who does not wear one has never spent time in a Critical Care Unit, watching the loved ones of patients in the waiting room, watch the doctor give the news that the husband/son will never regain consciousness and if they do they will never be the same.

Nov 1, 2006, 09:40 PM
Helmets should be required for two reasons:

1. Make it easier to identify the body through dental records.
2. Protect the corneas, which are useful for transplants.

Nov 2, 2006, 01:24 AM
There have been reported cases, even from such things as a simple fall during rollerblading, where people have suffered what is commonly referred to as an "egg-shell" or circular fracture, having gotten up with little to no symptoms, only to die hours later.
They don't call them "brain buckets" for nothing. ;)
If your going to ride a "donor cycle", wear a helmet.