View Full Version : Possibly being blamed for roommates' lease violations

Sep 22, 2009, 02:27 AM
I live in a house with 3 other girls. We are all on the lease. They throw parties and get drunk on a regular basis. They're not even legally allowed to drink. We have been living at the house for about 3 months, and we've already had two noise complaints. During one of the parties, apparently one of the guests threw up on one of the neighbor's lawns and got in quite a bit of trouble with them. During another one of their parties, a couple boys were rough housing and damaged a wall. One of the girl's boyfriends basically lives with us. He is here everyday and doesn't pay rent or utilities. They also smoke weed in the house (smoking is not allowed in the house) on a daily basis. I don't take part in any of these activities.

I REALLY want to get out of this lease. I do not want to be held responsible for any of this. The girls know that I have not been at any of these parties (I'm usually at home). The horrible part about it is that there are still SIXTEEN more months left on the lease, which I stupidly signed. I've tried, but I can't find anyone who is willing to sign on to the lease so I can be taken off it.

Would it be wise to discuss these issues with my landlord? Or would I risk being evicted as well? My father is my guarantor and I really don't want to ruin his credit. I want to ask him if I can be taken off the lease without any repercussions. The landlord seems fairly easy going, but I'm not too sure, since I've really only had minimal contact with him. I really don't know what I should do.

Sep 22, 2009, 08:27 AM
I would talk to your father - he's the guarantor, he stands to lose a lot if you are evicted OR if there is damage.

Let he advise you how to proceed.

Were you of legal age to sign a legal document when you signed the lease?

Sep 22, 2009, 08:30 AM
It would seem the landlord is aware of the parties and such. So I doubt if you will be telling him anything he doesn't know.

Did you know these girls before you signed the lease?

But I would recommend that you and your father talk to the landlord together. There should be no repercussions against your father unless you move out without the landlord's agreement.

Sep 22, 2009, 09:13 AM
Thank you for your replies. Yes, I did know the girls before. I actually was randomly placed into my university's apartments with them and it really wasn't this bad. And I was of legal age but I'm in school right now with really no money or anything to my name, so I needed a guarantor.