View Full Version : Bee trouble

Sep 14, 2009, 02:33 PM
Ok we have bees living between our side walk and the house they live underground very hard to get to we have sprayed bug killer and they are still here , I don't think any of the poison is going down the hole. I also am not sure of what kind of bees they are besides pesty ones. Have any Ideas on how to get rid of them??

Sep 14, 2009, 03:07 PM
First, as to why the pesticide didn't work. Liquids/sprays are absorbed into the ground or neutralized by the lime in the sidewalk.

Next, you need to determine if they are honeybees. Honeybees have just started recovering from a devastating fungus(we think) that destoyed nearly 1/3 of the hives in the Northeast US. Go out at sunset and look at the bees as they come back in. If they are golden colored and fuzzy, call a beekeeper to come collect the wild queen. Most exterminators have beekeepers' numbers right by the phones for just this situation.

If they're not honeybees, let me know and we can discuss your options for getting rid of them.