View Full Version : Breaking away

Sep 13, 2009, 05:37 AM
I am 42 live in Pa. and have been married for only 3 years. We were both older when we married, which I thought would make it easier. However that is not the case. It seems I married a con. I quit my job, moved from my apt. and gave up my car. I do love living in this small town and want to stay. That being said, I do not think I can save this marriage. My husband is regressing to an irresponsible teen, his name is the only one on the house, which is behind on the mortgage payments. He will not answer his cell when they call and keeps his head in the sand about all the finance. When I pay bills or try to get things under control he complains about me spending all his money. Twice we almost lost our home to foreclosure but at the last minute he did talk to the mortgage comp. and we have been trying to work it out with them.
I guess my question is... Legally, what rights do I have to any monies that he brings in?
I feel awful that it has come to this, but I just can't keep playing this game. I have 2 teen daughters and a grandchild that count on me for a roof over their head. And I want to make sure we have a place to live. I work a few days a week and get a small amount of child support, but financially, I'm pretty much screwed. I want to get my own place with the girls, but worry about paying the bills. I don't want my granddaughter raised on gov. assistance and want to provide for my family.
Thank you for any help.

Sep 13, 2009, 06:12 AM
First off it sounds like when you started all this you weren't ready to commit. So now your finding yourself in a mess. As far as the money that comes in goes its community property. As far as having 2 teen daughters and a grandchild under the roof you have yet another problem to solve. Are the teens old enough to work ? Is there something that is preventing you from working full time ? To get out of this mess as clean as possible its most likely going to take a lawyer to walk you through it. Have you been back for any child support adjustments if it has been a long time since the orders were entered ?

You might also try calling local women's shelters and see if they can give you some help in finding the services your going to need.

Sep 13, 2009, 07:40 AM
First, you should try to work full time. That way you have more money to move on. How old are your children? If they able to work that would be a benefit as well. You haven't been married very long so if you get any alimony at all it won't be much and it will last a very short time. Do you and your husband have a joint bank account or is that just in his name as well?

Sep 13, 2009, 06:34 PM
You either get a job full time, or go on public assistance until you or your daughters can do better for yourselves. That's after you talk to a lawyer about your legal rights and inform your husband that you can't live like this any longer.

Sep 16, 2009, 08:45 AM
Thanks for all the help/advice I have decided to stay and try to work this out. It seems I may have to be the adult in this and I guess that's what needs to be done. I truly think he wants this home, but struggles with the responsibility that comes with the bills. He complains when he has to work on anything, but it still gets done. I want this marriage to work and if that means I have to do "double duty" then I guess that's what I'll do. I am not ready to give up! I am however taking steps to secure MY future and still provide for the family that HE wanted. Thanks again for all the help and for letting me vent.