View Full Version : Deserted and Abandoned.maybe?

Sep 12, 2009, 09:50 PM
Man and woman are from FL, they move to Seattle WA, they get married in Seattle, they have a baby in Seattle. Husband is sole supporter for family. After three years in Seattle, husband is broke and decides to move back to FL. Husband's family does not like the wife, but loans the husband enough money to move his stuff and his car back to FL, but will not help the husband if he brings the wife and child home with him. Husband leaves wife and baby alone in Seattle with no money to get back home with her family and no money for food, diapers and necessities. Is this considered desertion and/or abandonment? What rights do the wife and child have?


Sep 13, 2009, 05:26 AM
The wife has a right to get child support and possibly spousal support (alimony) ordered in the divorce.

She can apply for state support. She can/should contact the local free aid societies or woman's groups.

Sep 13, 2009, 06:13 AM
How long ago did the person leave the home ?