View Full Version : How does a mom cope with an adult son?

Oct 28, 2006, 03:33 AM
Thank you for listening.

Oct 29, 2006, 07:31 PM
In what way? What's going on?

Oct 30, 2006, 04:55 AM

Oct 30, 2006, 11:16 AM
How old is he

Apr 11, 2011, 11:37 PM
I havr a 17 yesr old doing the same thing to me. It hurts so much brcause he's to lazy to work and I feel guilt for wanting him gone. Rvery day I work and dread coming home. I fear so much for his future but he has to leavr June 11th when he is 18. I called police and they said they would come and escort him out if he did not leave on his own after he turns 18. You don't have to be abused. Some people from church said they will come and change locks for me on that day. I will pray for you to grt the strength to do what you must for pease. My heart goes out to you because I really know how every day his full of fear and brken heart

Aug 17, 2012, 06:42 AM
my 2 sons hate me to,after thier father died of cancer,i had a bypass which did not work for me,i got diabetic and a lot of ther things.i have been a widow for 11 years and never married again(i did not want to)
older son lost all interest in me,only saw him 3 times in 11 yrs,never get xmas or a card for birthdays ,even although i saw him alright ,god i could write a book on them.
Younger son ran when his dad died,was ok with me for a wee while .then i had the same sort of thing from him as his brother was dishing out,no repect for me at all,i dont think he has ever said sorry for any thing,thinks women are ther to serve himhe uses my garage for his work and picks up the dog mess ,nothing for me,oh how i wish they were dead,what a thing to say but i am that angry with them.long story.thx

Aug 17, 2012, 06:43 AM
If u can fathom this out please e mail me.tyvm