View Full Version : Does this sound right?

Aug 27, 2009, 03:28 PM
Help I have a major plumbing issue. They want to jack hammer my floor?
Ok so the plumber came over this morning and tried to snake out the backed up kitchen sink, it wasn't working now the sewage Specialist came out and used the super pressure hose down there and it is still clogged so he put the camera down there and all he saw was water (and some little pebbles from when I was cleaning the goldfish tank), so he said he needs to jack hammer the floor from the kitchen down the hall to the master pipe in my bedroom! So I guess my questions are has anyone had this done before? And does the pebbles have anything to do with it, There is maybe 20-30 little tiny pebbles we saw on the video. I heard of bad ABS pipes put in houses between 1984-1990 and I think my house was built in 1991, is it possible that those pipes were used?

Aug 27, 2009, 03:38 PM
I would consider jackhammering as last resort. Would it be possible to reroute drain line?

Aug 27, 2009, 03:53 PM
Ineed to know what exactly the plumbers did. Did they;
1) Remove the "J" bend and snake the line in the wall first?
2) did they go on the roof and snake from there?
he put the camera down there and all he saw was water I'm confused! Whatever happened to the back up that was the original complaint?
If the line was clear except for some pebbles why in the world would the slab have to be jack hammered up?
There's too many questions here. Answer me and we'll go from there.. Regards, Tom

Aug 27, 2009, 04:35 PM
That wasn't ABS that was bad, it was polybutylene and it would not be your issue. The pebbles aren't the likely clog, they are now backed upstream of the clog. You are on a slab, has anyone looked for a clean out, should be one.

Milo Dolezal
Aug 28, 2009, 03:26 AM
The pebbles will be eventually pushed down the line until they are gone. No problem here. As said above, jack-hammering concrete floor is the last resort. Don't go for it.

Do you have the CD of your video inspection ? Can you post it ?

It takes a lot for ABS to clog and stay there. Is the clog still there ?

Aug 28, 2009, 04:21 AM
Nichols, Please respond to the above questions. We're waiting! Tom