View Full Version : How do I search zone specific plants?

Aug 3, 2009, 02:32 AM
My brother suggested that if I want to find the real names of some local wild flowers and plants I should Google them. I can't figure out how to word that in a search though. The books written by locals don't quite give the information I need. Should I describe the plant? And if so, what are the best key words to use for that kind of search? I confused myself, help!

Aug 3, 2009, 05:10 AM
My brother suggested that if I want to find the real names of some local wild flowers and plants I should Google them. I can't figure out how to word that in a search though. The books written by locals don't quite give the information I need. Should I describe the plant? And if so, what are teh best key words to use for that kind of search? I confused myself, help!We don't have to say anything to your brother, but He is a wise man.

Chey the answer is in your "meaningful specific thread title"

Do you work with FireFox, Chrome or even opera or safari as your browser?

If you do, Just wipe an highlight your thread topic. "How do I search zone specific plants?" Right click and you should see an option for google search. Click on that. This what came up. How do I search zone specific plants - Google Search (http://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHMI_enUS335US335&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=How+do+I+search+zone+specific+plants) Sometimes your post is first. Sometimes its posts from other AMHD members. I picked the next one down an came up with this Plant Encyclopedia - Names, Pictures and Identification of Flowers & Plants - Better Homes and Gardens. (http://www.bhg.com/gardening/plant-dictionary/) Click off the ad fill out the form.

Two things... IE5,6,7,8, would have had this feature if they weren't so stubborn, now I hear they teamed up with Yahoo, so look for it in IE9

And... If you dislike putting your exact zip code in, put one in that's still in your zonal micro-climate, like a town a few miles away, unless they are vertical and have snow year round while your broiling...

Edited at 8:40am edt:
You don't need modifiers like, (omit underlined words) How do I search zone specific plants? and don't forget to search the AMHD search located at the top of every page.