View Full Version : Very very small black or white bugs in house

Jul 19, 2009, 11:45 PM
I have little black or white bugs in mine and my sisters bedroom, first they were all by the window so I shut my window and now they are everywhere.
We have both cleaned our rooms top to bottom but still they are their.
We have tried bleech, viniger, polish everything.
I have run out of ideas.
Please help!
Its been going on for 4 days now
The bugs are really really small, like putting a dot on a piece of paper. :confused:

Jul 20, 2009, 02:58 AM
like putting a dot on a peice of paper.

You need to identify what these are so that appropriate control measures can be taken.

Can you catch some on a piece of clear cellophane tape? Put the tape and bugs on a plain white card or paper and take them to get an I.D. Places you could take them would include the Biology dept. at your local college, a reputable exterminator's office (where they have the microscopes and references), or your local government's agricultural office.

Nov 5, 2009, 05:16 PM
Did you ever find the answer? Could it be bed bugs?